What's next for me

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The next day I get up do all my morning routine as im getting dressed I put the tv on it was the news going on about fox rivers most wanted still on the run I think of Lincoln as I rub my belly i know it was wrong to let them think i got pregnant by some random man not out of love but after everything I had to deal with and the judge didn't feel bad for me after sending me to fox river, im on my way to visit my nana she's in a old peoples home she is the only family I care about I walk in show my Id go to her room, ellie oh god ellie are you ok oh  god thank you i go and hug her are you ok they said bad things about you, none of It was true the truth came out nana like you always say, did they look after you did you eat, i laugh yes nana everything was ok i got a job in the kitchen I was baking all day im not going to tell my 90 year old nana anything else thank god child im go happy to see you have you seen your mum no nana i wanted to see you im leaving tomorrow i wanna start over somewhere i can forget all this i just had to see you, im glad you did noone told me your free, its all a secert i got paid alot of money to keep my mouth shut, i bet they did  they don't like been told they got it wrong we talk for a few hours then i leave so nana can go get tea. I go to a cafe so I can get a cooked meal im fed up of eating sandwiches and crips after im done I go get some flowers and go to my grandad's grave im not planning on coming back anytime soon so I wanna go see him as im walking out the graveyard I hear my name I look up to see my mum I didn't know what to say how are you here, the cops got it wrong I was free to leave it was my dickhead ex-boyfriend now he can rot in jail I start to walk off im sorry ellie for everything, i shout don't worry about it im leaving tomorrow I just wanted to see nana and grandad I walk back to the motel leaving my so called mother stood in the graveyard.

I'm sat in the motel I need a plan im not sure what to do next I need a home and a doctor the good thing is I don't need a job as that would of been hard just got out of prison guilty or not not sure people would give me a job, I get into bed tomorrow is going to be a long day I wanna go back and see if I can find Sara I feel like I need to say thank you and bye she was a good friend to me i have to at least try, the next day I got up got ready and left for the train I went back to the town of the prison I asked about in the shops and the pubs but no one told me anything on Sara i was about to give up I was sat in a cafe as I got my phone out I rung the only last person I could ask I wasn't sure if he would but I had to try, ring ring ring hello mr pope hi sir are you missing me, ellie, i laugh yes sir i was ringing to see if you could give me dr tancredis phone number, are you ok ellie, yes sir im leaving town tomorrow and i wanted to say thank you to her she did a lot for me, im sorry ellie i can't give out Information but i know she is still in the hospital, thank you sir and thank you for everything you did for me take care, you to ellie and your welcome,  right now i need to find the hospital after asking a taxi driver to take me we pull up to the hospital i walk in ask for sara tancredi the nurse asks  are you family i said yes im her sister i work away no problem i will take you to her room thank you the nurse walks in befor me hi sara your sister is here to see you, my sister i walk around her hi sara, ellie what you doing here, the nurse walks out the room im free the cops came to tell me  they got the right person i just wanted to see you and say thank you for everything are you ok what happened she starts to tell me ... I fell in love with micheal i left the door open for him my career   is over so you didn't go with them no i didn't want a life on the run she nods we talk for a bit i tell her all about my night with lincoln and now im pregnant she was shocked i told her im leaving and going to find a home i told her the town and look me up if she needs a break i would love to see you again I will do I have plenty of time on my hands now, for what it's worth he does love you he just needed to save the one's he loves I wave bye I knew she would agree he did risk his life once to save hers in the riot.

I got back to the motel I clean up take a shower im out of here in the morning the money should have cleared I just need to book my train  ticket online. I get into bed it was getting late I didn't put the tv on I must of walked miles today. 

The next morning I got up just put a tracksuit on just to pop down to the bank to check see if it's cleared it was I go back to the motel get a shower get dressed grab all my stuff go hand my key in and head in to town im abit early for my train so I could get my breakfast I have a feeling it's going to be a long day. I get on the train I was lucky I didn't have to change trains it only took 2 hours to get to my new home town it was a small town not that small but only a few hundred people i was happy to be here first thing I wanted a coffee shop im sat drinking a coffee I asked the manager do you know if they is an estate agents  around here, yes just round the corner you looking at renting, no i want to buy if I can find want im looking for, what you looking for, quite, he laughs well I might be able to help you they is a small farmhouse that might be going up for sale, might be, well its a mates dads place but he needs 24-hour care now so he's moving in with his son its away from other houses 20 min walk to any thing, that's ok it sounds perfect, i will get you a top up and ring my friend, thank you im ellie by the way im jack. i didn't have to wait long till a man came in with a folder hey paul this is Ellie hello he says as he sits down hi, so you're looking to buy a house, yes and yours sounds quiet he laughs and says yes to quiet if you ask me, it sounds perfect, well why don't we go see it and if you still think that then we can talk, can't wait let's go I go to pay my bill but get told on the house I smile and thank him, do you wanna walk or are you ok in my car, the car is fine. We pull up to a gate then a very long drive with a house at the end with a porch around the house with a swing chair on it paul unlocks the door and sits on the swing go look round take your time then come back here the house was perfect  4 bedrooms I knew which one would be mine a big kitchen 2 living rooms downstairs bathroom as well as upstairs it was perfect it needed a lot of TLC but I've got nothing else to do it will give me something to do I walk back outside the view was magical I would love to drink my coffee out here, hey paul the house is perfect I want it lets talk he laughs well tell me a bit about you what will you want to do with  the farm, after telling him about being in jail then getting paid to keep my mouth shut i didn't say the fact it was a male prison or anything that happened to me but after I finish with I just want the quiet life,  ok well I will sell the farm for 175 thousand but in the contract the animals that are here have to stay rent free till they pass away im a vet so i will look after them my  dad really doesn't wanna move them and if your not doing anything with the farm Im hoping that will be fine, yeah i can't see that been a problem what animals are here just as i said that a goat came up really loud in my ear, fuck...  ellie meet gilbert oh my god i think my heart is in the sky, yes he likes to do that my dad loves him more than me i think, i laugh he's definitely special, so a goat and a horse, is that it, yes, thats fine with me i have the cash so as soon as you can get the paperwork done the better ok great i will get everything on my side sorted, thank you do you know where i can book a motel till this deal goes through, don't be silly just stay here why waste money, really that would be great thank you so much, right i will see you tomorrow  with an update .

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