Days after the riot

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The days after the riot was long my arm was still killing me, we were locked up in our cells I was lucky as I was allowed to come out for kitchen work the men even had to eat in the cells the officers were laughing it was easy for them I didn't do much work with my arm so I sat about talking im just happy to be out the cell, the men in the kitchen was ok they didn't get hurt im going to see the doc today I can't wait I need my pain relief what happened to your arm stan asks, t bag got hold of me and bent it behind my back, did he do out eles to you bob asks, no i was lucky someone saved me. They all smiled and nodded Paul was singing he was making me laugh he was down the block when the riot happened so he still gets his visits he was saying the only time I like being down the block pope did try saying no visit you can thank them but changed his mind he was telling me all about his sexy girlfriend who is coming to see him I was helping jake pass food out with my good arm it's all I can do doc said don't use it and the officers have to listen.

I was sat in my cell cuddling Lincoln we have gotten so close he's looking after me taking good care of me he asked me to be his girlfriend it was so cute he was so shy I can't believe he won't be here soon the break out is in a month as soon as we get out of our cells it will take less than 2 weeks it had to be put back because of the riot he keeps asking me to go with him but I don't know if I wanna I don't think life on the run is for me but life without Lincoln I can't imagine that he asked me the other day to please go with him he said I can't leave knowing you will be all alone I told him he had to he has to prove he's not guilty.

Jones your wanted in medical bellick says at the bars im on my way as I see Sara hey doc you want me she looked confused no Ellie it's me as the male doc holds the door open its ok I will see her Sara says to him, no thanks I know what she needs the male doc says holding the door open for me. don't I feel special i say as I walk in the room. How have you been feeling he asks me? like crap the pain is still bad ok let's have a look tell me where it hurts the most I think he got the point when I screamed it's just bruising it's going to take time i will give you some pain relief, thanks it's worst on a night im not getting much sleep, im on shift for the next 5 nights I will come to you to give you pain relief just before bed thanks doc that's really kind of you. Im leaving as I see Sara hey you all sorted I will see you later for your shower, thank you and yeah I am.

Micheal and Sara conversation.

Hey your wanted in medical Michael, hey doc how are you I've not seen you since the riot are you ok yeah im ok thanks, hey Michael I just wanted to say thank you for what you did in the riot it was kind of you and I don't think I would of got out alive, it's ok I think you paid me in kind, yeah about that im sorry I was just not my self with everything that had happened, that's a shame I was hoping you did it because you wanted to, what do you want from me Michael? please wait for me Sara, I can't Michael, then tell me you don't feel the way I do and I will never ask u again see you can't then I kissed her

Ellies pro

The next few weeks went by slow but i was enjoying this time i had with linc i only left him for kitchen work and showers my arm is all better now it's funny when looking back Lincoln didn't like the male doc touching me I would always say is my big teddy bear jealous he would say yes I am im the only man allowed to touch you. It's the first time we are outside in the sun im enjoying the sun and catching up with friends dans well happy to see me he keeps hugging me I know you have missed me but put me down, I keep finding myself looking for the man that saved me but I don't recognise him I just wanna say thank you if it wasn't for him I would of been raped by t bag he keeps looking at me im glad he got hit over the head the dirty man Lincoln keeps trying to get to him I don't blame him I just don't want him told off and down the block. Lincoln and Michael have been busy with the break out I've not seen much of them only night time but Lincoln is always tried I've spent most of the days with sucre and dan when im not in the kitchen.

Lincolns pov

Im working my arse of to get out of here in just under 2 weeks but im not sure I wanna go I don't wanna be with out ellie some days I think I would be better off staying with her then when we both get out start a life together I've fallen in love with her she's everything you would want in a girl kind loving sweet funny always helps people but I know how much Michael has put in this to get me out its the only way to clear my name and see my son im just hoping she will come, we have only just been allowed out of our cells after the riot it was a long month but at least I had Ellie we spent most nights just talking about life outside these walls if we got out she wants to live on a beach i could do that if i got to wake up to her each morning im digging as john comes up to me hey man i think you should know dans going around saying he and ellie are messing about been together behind your back, i nod and get on with my work micheal comes up what you thinking bro I don't think she would, well it might explane her not wanting to come and have you to done anything apart from kiss they are close sorry bro.

I need to think they was that one time we was making out and I tried to take it to the next leave and she stopped me why was I so blind it makes sense now.

Ellie's pov

I'm walking back into the cell I see Lincoln at the sink no one else is in the cell I go and wrap my arms around him I missed you he gets my arms and pushes me away and says go find dan he will be wanting you, what you talking about? all he says or should I say shouts is I know your his slut he's welcome to you, Lincoln I don't have a clue what your talking about i try and touch him again but he just pushes me away and walks out its nearly time for lights out so i get ready for bed and for the first time other than my arm I get into my own bunk and face the wall i keep my eyes shut its so I don't cry I heard the others come in I heard them talking about it sucre was the only one to say I don't believe dan but all Lincoln said was its over. Why did i fall for him I should of known I always pick dick heads at least I know now he's gone in less than a week and I can move on.

I don't think I got any sleep I got up before the rest of them woke up hey Ellie you wanna go for a shower Sara says at my cell gate, yes please you ok you don't seem yourself no me and Lincoln broke up what happened I saw the way you both looked at each other you looked so in love I don't really know somthing about im Dan's slut and go back to him I haven't done out I wouldn't I love Lincoln he got so mad and told me its over. Im so sorry if I tell you something you can't say it was me, ok I won't, people was talking in medical about how dan is going about saying you and him are messing about together and I guess it got back to Lincoln I nod thanks Sara at least its clear now and makes sence.

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