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I start the day as im going to do for the rest of my life a cup of coffee on the porch im going to the doctors today I need to book in with a doctor, i walk into town all this walking is going to keep me fit Tyler will want me to keep my fitness up i wonder how everyone is I might pop back one day to see some of them im not turning my back on them now im free that's not what friends do.

I get to the doctors  hi im Ellie can I register to see a  doctor please after filling some forms in and getting told I will get an appointment in the next few days when the paperwork is sorted im about to talk out the door after saying thank you, its ok I can see you now if you want to I look up to a older male doc he holds his door open for me I thank him as I walk in, so im Dr gale we don't have you on file yet but that's ok im old school I don't need a computer to tend to your needs so are you ok, no not really I tell him every thing that's happened to me and I mean everything im allowed to tell medical staff its private i tell him about the money and end with im pregnant, he was just looking  at me wow thats awfull i don't know what to say id be so mad if that was me i take it thats why you buy a farm out in the feilds with no body about, i laugh thats right i need time to be on my own, right anyway do you know how many weeks you are, getting on for 8 weeks now ok i will send you to the hospital for a scan but is it ok if i get the midwife in just to check, yes of course thank you he shouted of someone and then a women my age walked in hi im megan im the midwife here after the doc fills her in she nods and says come with me and i can check you over i thank the doc and leave with her  so you are thinking 8 weeks are you with the dad i tell her no he doesnt know about the baby he left before i found out, ok ly on the bed it might take me a while to find a heart beat the earlyer you are its harder to find i let her do her job after a few mins we here it wow i was crying its nothing like ive felt befor Megan was smiling at me its amazing the first time you hear it  she asks a few more things i told her i just got the farm house she said i might have to do house calls that view is stunning  your always welcome.

I walk to the coffee shop why not im here in town might as well eat out, you again jack says I laugh thanks love you to I was at the doctors so I might as well have dinner i order my dinner drink my coke jack comes to sit with me jay told me you both had a talk I smile yeah  you to are so cute together you don't think im to old for him, no he's 18 and the way he talks about you shows you too are perfect for each other jack just looks about I don't think everyone will think the same im worried well if I was you you get one life live it if your happy so what its your life and im sure people will be soon talking about something else  soon after, thanks ellie I take my payment in babysitting he looks at me funny oh sorry I forgot to tell you im pregnant he jumps up hugging me  congrats wow can i be its uncle i laugh yes of couse its going to need family im all alone here i eat my food and head home the next day was spent buying bedroom items and a big tv i put the small tv in my room i was just making a cup of coffee when they was a knock on the door  it was paul hey paul you dont have to knock, hi ellie just come to feed the animals sorry its late the vets is so busy well gilbert has been fed he was not a happy boy waiting i laugh as i remember him trying to run of with the food bag i go see the horse with paul she is a stunning black horse with big black eyes is she freindly i ask yes she likes to be out with people i bet she's missing ron she was my mum's horse he feeds her is that all she eats yes why i can feed her in a morning for you save you coming out if your busy thanks ellie that would be a life saver.

The next morning I walk out to the barn hey Betty you wanna come out with me I open her stall take her rains she licks my face I think that means yes I walk her out to the fields she goes running off Paul is to busy to be coming here every day and Betty can't just stay in the barn I go fill the water up for her she can eat the grass she will be ok she looks happy running about.

I'm going to spend the day relaxing and reading on the porch I fed the goat he's a loud bugger he even made betty jump bless her i look up to a car pulling up hey Ellie hi ron you ok yes I just wanted to pop by see my animals hope that's ok of course it is I told you any time she looks good ron says looking out at Betty did you take her out Paul asks me yes hope that's ok she's been in that stall for days she looks happy, yes of course it is thank you its no problem I will only get her out when im home we sit about drinking coffee before they leave paul took betty back for me  we say bye and I walk back inside to my phone ringing, hey Ellie its Megan from the doctors the hospital got in touch can you go for a scan tomorrow at  10  i just didn't think the post would of got to you in time, yes of course thank you for ringing we talk for abit then hang up. 

The next morning I got ready walked into town go eat at the coffee shop drink a lot of water chat with Jack he told me I had to pop back with the scan pic im so nervous I dreamed of this day since I was a little girl but I didn't see me doing this on my own Lincoln will never know im out or pregnant im sat at the hospital waiting for my name to be read out im looking about to all the couples it makes me sad just us kido i rub my belly, ellie jones i look up and smile I walk in the room get on the bed the midwife asks some details puts jel on me and starts the scan after what felt like hours we here the heartbeat she shows me the screen im in love with the tiny dot she gets up says back in a min i look at the screen your daddy would of loved you mummy loves you so much.  after getting sorted I get the pics and run to the loo im peeing myself  I go see jack at the coffee shop show him the pic after laughing at jay not knowing a head to a foot we all eat together before i leave to walk home. 

Lincolns pov

Life on the run was bad we was hitting dead ends after dead ends we spent a lot of nights sleeping out in the open I was starting to think we was never going to clear my name and leaving Ellie was a mistake the only good thing was LJ he was with us and safe I knew by now sucre would be out of prison I was happy for him but knew that meant Ellie on her own I wish I could see her again I hope she's ok in prison on her own we are heading to meet Sara Micheal finally got in touch with her she said she has news about Ellie God I hope she's ok, we meet up with Sara in an abandoned warehouse we was waiting for her micheal was walking about he was doing my heading but like he said if it was Ellie coming you would be the same like that would be happening sara walks in soon after Michael runs to her i leave them to have there moment before i say hey Sara hey lincoln, did you here about ellie no why is she ok yes she  is more than ok don't worry she's free sara says, what do you mean she's free  she came to see me in the hospital a few months ago she told me cops came to say new evidence says she's free to go, thank god she's ok did she say where she's going after sara telling me ellies new home town i felt like I could breath again im so happy for her i might get my wish one day to see her again.

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