Life with out Lincoln

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The next few weeks went by we did end up getting new cell mates John and luke I was lucky really lucky luke does flirt but it's just fun John has a wife that he loves with all his heart they are both not in for long I bet im not as lucky  next time pope said as soon as a single cell comes available its mine im happy as sucre won't be here forever my kitchen work is great I love baking and the guys have my back im always making cakes or  buns anything that is diffrent from the shit we have to eat here on the yard I hang out with Tyler and tj i still train with Tyler I need to keep that going if I go down I wanna go down fighting, tj is great he always has my back he watches over me like a brother, i haven't heard out about Lincoln and Michael so that must mean good for them i hope everything goes well for them. Sara has not been back at work since the night of the break out they are saying she left that door open  I don't care if she did she doesn't deserve any of this all she did was fall in love I bet she's thinking Michael played her now with everything that's gone on I know he didn't I saw the way he looked at her but all that doesn't matter now she lost everything we have a new doc which is bad as I've not been feeling well I've had a sickness bug for a week now but I don't like the new doc im sure it will go probably my cooking.

Lincolns pov

We are always looking over our shoulders but that's what we knew it would be like we made it to where we needed to be im just hoping we find the evidence to clear my name I wanna be able to walk back in that prison and kiss Ellie and walk out I didn't know her long but from the first day she landed on my feet I knew they was this feeling when I saved her from falling i just hope I see her again I wonder if she's ok they must have new cellmates by now im looking at Michael and the things he's done for me that's brother love but I can see it in his eyes he's feeling worthless about Sara I know the plan was to get friendly so he got access to the hospital wing but he fell in love you can see it in his eyes I did try talking to him after we saw on the tv about Sara been in trouble over the door he was heartbroken he said he just hopes he gets a chance to say sorry  and put it right, i just wish no one had to get hurt to save my name. The things Michael has done for me I just hope he knows how much it means to me to have a brother that will do anything for you you can't get better than that. 

Ellies pov

Not long now sucre only ten days what you going to do on your first night out what you going to eat, a big fat cheese burger and make love to my girl, I laugh and say which first, make love eat burger make love again I've got years to make up , your going to be one busy boy im just hoping pope gets me that cell Tyler said to try to get a move in his cell im thinking it might be a good idea, don't you like been with me your breaking my heart luke says with his hand over his heart I laugh as I say yes but you too are not going to be here long I won't be as lucky next time I get cellmates. John was sat eating some kind of bread it was making me feel sick I don't know what's up with me lately I just hope this bug will fuck of soon the next day I was sat about the cell when sucre came in hey Ellie you on your own,  yes it's peaceful he laughs as he sits next to me hey ellie  you feeling any better i just shake my head im going to say something you don't have to answer me but when you and Lincoln had sex did you use out, i look at him what makes you think we had sex, come on i was facing the wall i was trying not to laugh with the sounds lincoln was making you must be good in bed me and micheal waited till you fell asleep i said i thought they was a wearwolf In the room micheal said he thought he was on a very rocky boat sucre couldn't stop laughing as he carried on talking   i mean did you use a condom or did he pull out?  no and no I don't think so what you getting at, well with u been sick alot could you be pregnant, i laugh and say no no no I won't be. Ok just something to think about as he leaves the cell, im sat thinking no I can't be no no no im trying to think when my last period was I think im late would he be that stupid to cum up me I did turn him on good I smile as I think about him the sounds he made come on Ellie concentrate oh god what im I going to do.

A few days went by I didn't tell anyone I think I was hoping my period would come no way could I keep a baby in here they would take it as soon as I had it I knew this was going to be my life for 20 years sucre was so happy his girl was going to be waiting for him, over the last few days  I got close to John he told me all about his life with his wife and kids he was so happy he got done for dealing he needed the money for his kids he lost his job  I could understand I bet any dad would do the same its your child his stories was very long but I loved hearing them well come on I have 20 years i wonder how many men I will meet in 20 years luke  on the other hand he just kept making silly mistakes one after the other this was his first time in prison  he was so young he lives  with is mum his wife was fed up of him his mum came to see him in here today I could tell it got to him he walked back in and lied  down facing the wall I got on his bed are you ok I hug him she shouldnt have to see me in here she was crying saying sorry why she saying sorry im the stupid one that's here I just listen to him he was asking question but not really to anyone he just needed someone to listen you don't have long show your mum you can learn from this turn  your life around thanks ellie for listening its ok i say huging him, hey if id of known this is what it was going to take to get you in my bed i would of done it days ago he winks at me, and lukes back i say getting of his bed thanks ellie it means alot, your welcome. 

Hey jones   pope wants you in his office bellick shouts to me, ok im coming I look at sucre maybe I got my knew cell I walk into popes office and two police men are sat down hey mr pope you wanted to see me?  yes Ellie take a seat the police wanted to see you hey im officer Sam and this Is  officer ken, hi I say we are here to let you know that new evidence has come up in your case to let us know you didn't do it so all the charges are dropped against you, i just sit in the chair not knowing what to do I've spent months in here i gave up knowing this is my life now so what do I do now? here are your paperwork to say you are free to go sorry about everything that has happened to you they got up and left the room, i look at pope i couldn't  speck i just kept opening my mouth but nothing was coming out, hey ellie take all the time you need i know this is a shock you should of never been here pope trys his best to comfort me, so i can just leave?  he nods yes your free,  can i go back to my cell for 2 mins to get my stuff and say bye?  of course i will come with you and see you out the prison.

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