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It's been a few days since I got out of hospital im still in pain not as much as I was but it comes and goes me and Lincoln sorted things out he said sorry and I believed him I told him we should be mates he's going in a few days and I don't wanna go I will hold them back he's gotta clear his name I don't think he was happy about it but respects my decision right now im sat in the yard on my own because lets face it I am alone in here its been the first time out my cell apart from shower and docs but Sara has been checking me in the shower she told me she didn't think I would of  made it and how sad Lincoln was, hey can I sit with you I look up to a massive guy he was well built but i knew that voice when i looked into his eyes all i could say was its you he sat down your the guy that saved me in the riot  he smiles and says yeah i did but looks like you needed me again, i smile I've been looking for you to say thank you you're a hard man to find in here I could see everyone looking at us i like to keep my self to myself but you needed me and i couldnt leave you, im greatfull whats your name im ellie he laughs yeah  i know im TJ off course you do im so thick somtimes, so what happened  this time, t bag again he's going to get me and one day im not going to be as lucky,  you need to learn to fight will you train me no but i know a man that can he's the best but im not sure he will lets go see i follow him to a man he was fit i mean the mussles on him was massive TJ had to cough to get my attention ellie this is tyler. tyler ellie needs training TJ says and all Tyler says is no why not I will learn fast and do anything you say please train me I need to be able to fight, why should i,  cos im going to die in here if you don't. Ok fine are you better I mean has the doc give you the all,   I nod I knew he didn't believe me but nodded anyway ok boxing first you need to know how to dodge a punch and punch i was shit he didn't even move but come on with those mussels he shakes his head says something to TJ and starts to walk off he turns around Ellie be in the gym in your free time. I turn to TJ how did I do he just shakes his head crap but considering u didn't get the all-clear not bad. I walk into the gym hey  Ellie I want you on the treadmill for an hour Tyler shouts over to me, im so unfit by the end of the hour I was out of breath and on the floor.

It's been a few days im training with Tyler he says im improving im doing everything he says I need to I wanna deck t bag show him he can't mess with me or at least try to stick up for my self today's the day im boxing,  tyler thinks im better it's in the yard im fighting tyler I don't stand a chance but im going to give it my all TJ told me to keep dodging him he with get tried. Im in the yard everyone is shouting Ellie Ellie Ellie im all ready im dodging and dodging hitting and hitting he got a few in then I think of something I go one way he gets ready then I quickly change I hit him as hard as I can and he goes down im screaming im that happy I run into TJs arms he holds me up well-done everyone is screaming my name even the offices Tyler sits up and smiles at me im so proud of you.

I'm back in my cell after a shower I really needed it I was telling Sara all about it she wasn't happy I was fighting with my ribs but understands why I need to defend myself hey Ellie well done that was the best boxing fight I've seen Michael says high fiving me as he passes, yeah  piss funny then he hit the floor sucre says laughing Lincoln came up that's my girl kisses my head and lays on his bed thanks guys I need to fight or these men will kill me. The next day I went back to the kitchen  Paul shouts here come miss winner I laugh how does it feel to knock out tyler jake asks me really good I know I never will again  I got lucky but im not going to let him forget it I say laughing hey Ellie what's with you and TJ bob says winking at me, he saved me remember when I told you about the riot they nod well it was him he even got Tyler to train me we finish up and I head to the gym im working out as tyler walks in hey ellie you did great yesterday keep it up I will i shout as im walking out the door, you know you got lucky it won't happen again tyler says,  i shrug  my shoulders i don't need to i will remember this foreva i smirk as I leave 

 The next day I went back to the kitchen  Paul shouts here come miss winner I laugh how does it feel to knock out tyler jake asks me really good I know I never will again  I got lucky but im not going to let him forget it I say laughing hey Ellie ...

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The day went by fast im in the showers with Sara can I ask you for something Sara, depends on what it is she says back,  I need some sexy underwear she laughs and says who you trying to impress I look down Lincoln I can't get him out my mind and i need to see if we still have the spark, i knew it wasn't true he leaves in 36 hours and I wanna show him I love him but I couldn't say that. She smiles and says I  will bring the morning after pill to,  thanks sara.

The next day came Michael and Lincoln was making sure everything was ready they leave before  breakfast time tomorrow it's the best time for them every officer is busy for a good hour it gives them a head start I just hope everything goes well I can't imagine never seeing Lincoln again.

Ellie you ready for your shower Sara says at my bars yeah  coming im in the shower shaving and making sure I look good here put this on I will get it back of you tomorrow and burn it I laugh thanks Sara you're a great mate no problem don't get caught, she's been great to me since I got here god knows how she will feel tomorrow will she hate me for not saying out or should I say I didn't know but I can't lie to her i know Michael really loves her she's amazing.the way they look at each other i feel for them they should be together. 

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