Break out 16 +

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It's was the night before the breakout I had just got back from the showers all I can think about is what will it be like without Lincoln here I hope he gets to clear his name and see his son I know we are just friends now I think it was for the best he has to have his mind on the breakout and on the run not me i just hope for his sake it goes ok.

It's lock up for the night I know the plan is to leave at 3 in the morning that's when the last check is before all the offices are busy giving them a good  head start if all goes well, im getting ready for bed I have my sexy underwear under my shorts and top Lincoln gets into bed im brushing my teeth as im thinking of just getting into bed with him, since that fight I've slept in my own bed but I want to remember our last night i must of been in my own world because Lincoln said you  ok Ellie I nod and get into his bed he smiles and puts his arm around me, Micheal and sucre was fast asleep I go and start kissing Lincoln it took him a few seconds to kiss back we are making out when I take his top off im running my hands up and down him, I pull him on me and wrap my legs around him im trying to stay quiet as he's kissing and sucking on my neck his hand goes to my boobs then he starts to take my top off as soon as he saw my bra he   made a growl sound im going to take that as he likes it he goes back to kissing my neck he's  rubbing up  on me with his rock hard dick he starts to pull my shorts of his fingers  start rubbing my clit i don't think im going to last long i put my mouth to his ear lincoln i want you thats all it took for him to rip our underwear off us and him pushed his self in me he was massive i needed him to start moving fast i started to move my hips up and down he started to get faster and faster he was growling and moaning my name over and over  we came at the same time screaming  each others names with our faces in each others necks  he pulled out of me and pulled me on him for cuddles he kept saying wow that was amazzing then he looked into my eyes i love you ellie please never forget that, i love you to lincoln i wish you  the best of luck i really do say hi to lj for me, i will i wish you was coming i promise i will try find you in 20 years or come back here as soon as i clear my name,  i smile up at him I didn't want him to promise me something  he couldnt keep, god knows how micheal is still asleep the bunk bed was moving but i didn't care  we fall asleep in each others arms.

I wake up on my own I get up and start to get some clothes on I look at the time it's 4 in the morning they must of gone I look over to Micheal's empty bed sucre starts to move about hey ellie you  ok, yeah  did u see them go, yeah  lincoln told me to say he like's your  book sucre says with his hands in the air ok I say not having a clue why he would say that. 

Lincolns pov

I'm getting woken up by Michael it's time to go come on I look down at my angle in my arms last night was perfect she looked so hot in her black underwear im getting hard again thinking of it and when she told me she loves me that was the best night of my life I get out of bed put my clothes on I see her book on her bed i write in it i don't wanna leave her but I have to, we are walking in the roof and on pipes to the exit in the hospital wing im just hoping Sara left the door open or it's over before it starts it didn't take long for us to be out the door and over the wall it was the perfect plan we had to hide from bellick at one point but he was to busy chatting up the new  nurse to worry about us, come on that alarm can go of any min we need to start putting distance between us and that prison micheal says,  we was running for an hour before we stopped to take a break how was your night micheal says grinning i look at him to say what you on about then he says come on it  was like been on titanic when it was going down it was the best night of my life i just wish she was here im never going to see her again.

Ellie's pov

I would get back into your own bed and pretend to be asleep at count we are going to get grilled about them just keep saying you don't know you was asleep sucre says I nod putting my shorts back on  and get back in my bed I didn't go back over to sleep I was just facing the wall crying knowing I will never see lincoln again what will my life be like now they must of got away as the alarms never went of.

Rise and shine cons get up if you want feeding bellick shouts it's time for count me an sucre line up outside our cell doors bellick comes up where is the other 2 he says, I shug my shoulders he goes into the cell to check shouts into his radio men down then the alarms went of everyone back in your cells now bellick shouted me and sucre was sat on my bed when pope came in asking us about the escape he told us to go wait in the hall he wanted to check the cell he came out red with anger ive never seen a man that mad before but I guess he's going to get the shit for this at the end of the day he's the  boss we was in his  offices for hours going over and over things with the cops look I can't tell you anything I was asleep we weren't even  speaking to each other after the attack what do you mean one of the  cop's asks me,  so i told him everything that happened and said i blame lincoln for leaving me the cop said ok u can go thank you for your time i nod and walk out, im back in my cell as sucre gives me a note don't talk about the escape in the cell it might be buged i nod and flush the note down the loo.

Have you seen out of Sara I need a shower haven't you been told she's not working here at the moment something to do with a door the cops told me sucre says, great I feel sorry for her she has made the worst mistake of her career for a bloke she fell in love with I just hope it was worth it im going to start having strip washes or shower in my clothes no way is billick watching me i say as sucre is laughing.

The next few weeks  went by we was on lockdown which didn't go down well with the other prisoners so pope had to let us out I wasn't bothered as I was out a lot for kitchen work so still got to talk to my friends and see tj and Tyler I always made sure to treat them with extra food and treats I will never forget what they have done for me, they was still no sigh of Lincoln and Michael they where all over the tv that just meant they must be far away by now.

Im sat on my bed bord out my head we was getting new cell mates in a few days god knows how that will be i pick up my book to read again when a note  fell out  Ellie I love you and im sorry I had to leave you I will never forget you all my love lincoln xxxxxx. So that's what he meant I like your book.

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