Chapter 3

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The three of us walked quickly down small streets, passing through an alley or two. Harry led the way. After about ten minutes of walking, he stopped, causing me to bump into him. "Sorry!" I said, my cheeks feeling so hot I thought they were on fire. He laughed. "You say sorry a lot" he said. I laughed too, not sure what to say. "Now come on you two. Before people see us." He grabbed both mine and Joanna's hands and dragged us into a huge apartment building, then into the elevator.

When we reached the fifth floor, Harry stopped at the second door from the elevator. Flat 51. "Now before I let you girls in, you have to promise me something. You cannot tell anyone else that this is where the boys and I live" he said. Joanna and I nodded. Harry sighed with relief. "Good. You seem like nice girls. I'm sure I can trust you. Now promise me one more thing." We both looked at him curiously. He smiled that crooked smile again and said, "Please don't scream when you see the rest of the boys." Joanna and I laughed. We both promised, and Harry opened the door.

The first thing I saw when he opened the door was Liam, lying on the floor, with Niall sitting on top of him. "Give me back my sandwich, man!" Niall said in his adorable irish accent. "I already told you that I ate it!" Liam replied. "Then make me another one!" "Well, I can't do that if you're sitting on my face!" They then started wrestling with eachother and laughing hysterically.

The next thing I saw was Louis and Zayn, sitting on the couch playing a video game. They were so concentrated that they didn't even notice the other two boys wrestling on the floor. "I'm gonna beat you this time!" Louis said. "Never!" Zayn replied.

We stood silently in the doorway for about a minute before Harry cleared his throat. That got the boys' attention. "Hey guys. This is Joanna and Amanda. I bumped into them on my way to the store, and since they're fans, I thought that they should meet the rest of the bunch." 

Liam, being the friendly person that he is, was the first one to greet us. I extended my hand so he could shake it, but he wrapped me up in a big bear hug instead. Was I seriously sharing a hug with Liam Payne? I pinched myself. Yup, this was really happening. Next was Zayn, and then Louis came trotting to the door, also hugging the two of us. "Of course, Haz. We send you out to buy more chips and you come back with two pretty girls instead." he said, smiling. Louis Tomlinson just called me pretty. He called me pretty! I knew he was lying, though. I'm not pretty. John told me that plenty of times...

No. I was not going to think about him when I was standing in One Direction's flat. I smiled and blushed. Joanna laughed and blushed.  Wait, there was still another member who hadn't greeted us yet. Niall. He stood frozen a few feet away, staring at Joanna. Everyone stood there quietly, staring at him. Finally, Zayn spoke up. "Niall? You alright mate?" he said. 

Niall shook his head, as if he was freed from a trance. "Yeah, I-I'm alright" he said. He walked towards the door, greeting Joanna first. "Hi" he said shyly, blushing a little. My cousin said hi back, also blushing. 

"Well then. Now that we're done with the introductions, why don't you girls stay a little while?" Harry said. The rest of the boys murmured agreements, except for Niall. He was still staring at Joanna. Louis noticed this, and whispered something into Zayn's ear. The two boys laughed.

I answered, "Sure, I guess we can stay for a while. Right, Joanna?" She didn't hear me. She was too busy staring back at Niall. "I'll take that as a yes" I said, which made the boys laugh. "Good" Louis said. "Yeah" Niall said, apparently regaining the ability to speak. "Why don't we give you a tour of the place?" "I'd love that!" Joanna replied. I nodded in agreement. "Well then come on in! We can't give you a tour if you stand in the doorway the whole time" Louis said, being his sassy self. 

Joanna and I looked at eachother, laughed, and walked in.

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