Chapter 18

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All I could see were his beedy little eyes staring down at me in the darkness of the cold, damp room. Where was I? What was happening? I knew John was crazy, but I didn't think he was this crazy.

"Where's Louis?" was the first thing I said to him. I prayed John didn't do anything to him.

John chuckled. It was an ugly sound. "Really? That's all you want to know? Aren't you wondering how you got here?" he said.

I narrowed my eyes, even though he couldn't see it. "Where's. Louis?" I said again, this time enunciating each word slowly. I was kind of already expecting him to come for me. I didn't care what he did to me at this point. As long as Louis was okay.

He chuckled again. "You're feistier than the last time I saw you. I like it" I heard the lust in his voice. It disgusted me.

"Answer the question!" I yelled at him and attempted to free myself from the ropes again. It was no use. How did he tie them so tight?

"Oh, calm down. He's right here" John said and opened the light. Right in front of me was Louis, also tied to a chair. The only difference between me and him was that he was unconsious. John was also there, standing a few feet away from me. His hair was a mess and it looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was smirking. I wished I could slap his mouth right off.

"What did you do to him?" I shouted, anger and fright fighting to take control inside of me.

"Same thing I did to you, only its taking a little longer to ware off on him. Hm, I wonder why..." he said the last sentence sarcastically. I knew that whatever he had drugged us with, he gave Louis a bigger dose.

I glared at John. "What? I just wanted some time alone with you before our little British biscuit here woke up. I thought we could catch up a little. You know, talk. Like old times" he said. He pulled a chair out from a table in the corner of the room and sat on it, his eyes not leaving mine once as he did so.

I laughed. That threw him off. "Do you really think that it's possible to talk to you like we're friends? Hello?! I'm tied to a chair! And you're the one that put me here!" I said, anger winning the battle against fright. I spat at him. "Fuck you" I said.

John's eyes became dark with anger. He got up from his chair and was starting to walk towards me. He stopped abruptly, hearing a noise.

"Hm?" It was Louis, slowly waking up. I sighed with relief. I silently thanked Louis. He stopped John from doing whatever he was about to do to me.

"Good morning, beautiful" Louis said. He was still half asleep, not aware of his surroundings yet. I bit my lip. 

Finally, Louis opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was me, tied to the chair. His eyes widened, then he looked down at himself, and noticed that he was aso tied. "What the hell?" he said and attempted to free his wrists. He was also unable the escape. Were these ropes made of steel?

"Well, well. Look who's awake" John said. Louis looked up at him, noticing him for the first time. His eyes widened even more, then narrowed and grew dark with hatred.

"Let us go!" Louis demanded. "Aw, I was hoping we could chat for a while" John said and turned his chair to face Louis. "Let's talk about Amanda. Oohh, I love that name. And I love that body" he turned around to give me a once over, smirking, then returned his attention to Louis. "She still a great kisser?"

"Shut up!" Louis shouted, the anger in his voice a little scary. His body shook and he attempted to escape the ropes again. I bet he would've strangled John to death if he could have.

"Now, now, don't get your knickers in a twist" John said, faking a British accent. He laughed, apparently finding what he said hilarious. I didn't find it funny one bit. Neither did Louis.

"What do you want from us?" Louis asked.. He was still shaking. 

"Well I know what I want from her," he pointed his chin towards me with a sly grin on his face. I thought I was going to throw up. "but I think there's something you guys want from me" he said.

"What the hell would we want from you?" I asked, confusion and annoyance written all over my face.

John smiled mischievously. "Information" he said.

"What are you talking about?" I demanded. I wasn't in the mood for his games.

"We'll get to that. First, I want to take care of what I want" he said and got up from his chair. He walked up to me and kissed me right on the lips. I screamed against his mouth, not kissing him back. I tried to back my head away from him, but he gripped the back of my head in his hand.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Louis yelled, completely losing control. He was squirming uncontrollably in his chair, trying with all his might to free himself.

All of a sudden, John stopped kissing me and backed away. "No, no, no" he mumbled and started pacing aroung the room, running his hand through his hair. What just happened?

Louis and I looked at eachother confusedly, then back at John, who was still mumbling and pacing.

He stopped walking abruptly, then looked at me. He looked scared, the anger in his face disappearing. "Oh, my God. I'm so sorry Amanda. You don't deserve this. Why am I doing this to you? Ugh, you have no idea how sorry I am. For everything I've done to you. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I just want you to know that I'm very sorry and I lo-" he stopped talking mid-word. 

The anger in his face returned, his eyes becoming dark again. "No. You've been a pain in my ass for too long. Now I'm doing something about it" John said. He walked towards my helpless body again.

"I swear, if you touch her one more time I'll-" Louis started. "Shut up!" John yelled, cutting him off. "I've had enough of you" he said and walked towards Louis. He picked up a metal tube and hit Louis in the head, as if it was a baseball.

"NO!" I screamed as the tears started streaming down my cheeks. Louis' head dropped and his eyes were closed. There was blood dripping from where he was hit. 

John returned his attention to me. "Now, where were we?"

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