Chapter 23

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*John's P.O.V*

"You fucking ass hole. You're a psychopath and a maniac. Amanda never loved you. How could anyone love you?"

That made me stop. I released my grip on the front of Louis' shirt, lowered my clenched fist, and backed away a little.

Was he right? Maybe he was.

I looked at Amanda. Her eyes were glistening with fear. 

I thought for a moment. I haven't been happy for a really long time. Ever since my mother died of breast cancer, I started to act different. My dad turned to alcohol after she passed, and eventually, I did too. Amanda was the only thing that made sense in my life. 

But then things got worse.

And now I'm like this.

Amanda said that she used to love me, but not anymore. Was it possible for her to love me again? I didn't think so.

I'm all alone, and I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life.

Did I even want to live anymore?

I thought about it for a few minutes, trying to talk myself out of what I was about to do. But I already made my choice.

I pulled out the gun I had in the waist of my jeans and pointed it to my head.  I turned to face Amanda. She was the last person I wanted to see when the end came. Her eyes grew the widest I had ever seen them.

"I'm sorry. For everything" I said.

And everything went black.


~3 months later~

*Amanda's P.O.V*

"Put me down Louis!" I yelled as he ran around the flat with me thrown over his shoulder. The rest of the bunch laughed as I smacked his back.

"Whatever you want, my lady" said Louis and plopped me down on the couch, where Leni, Erica, Alexia, and Joanna were sitting. They laughed even harder when I landed on them, and I joined in on the laughter this time.

"Anyone want popcorn?" Niall asked from the kitchen. "I do!" Joanna replied. "Well, too bad. It's mine" Niall replied and stuck his tongue out at her. "Hey!" Joanna said and threw a pillow at him, causing all the popcorn in the bowl he was holding to fall to the ground. "Whoops" she said and smirked at him. I laughed and high-fived my cousin.

"Babe, do you know where my new art pencils are?" Zayn asked as he walked down the stairs. "I'm using them" Leni said. Zayn smiled and walked to the back of the couch where Leni was. He put his arms over her shoulders and took the pencils that were sprawled over her sketchbook, which was laying on her lap. He kissed her on the cheek, said thanks, then pulled back. Leni giggled. They were so cute.

"Erica! Come play on the Wii with me!" Liam yelled and grabbed Erica's arm. She rolled her eyes at me before she was dragged off the couch. I laughed and waved goodbye. They paused on the stairs for a quick kiss, then made their way to the game room.

Someone was missing from this picture. Harry.

Just when I thought that, Harry came bursting through the door. 

"Alexia! I found one!" he exclaimed "Really? Oh my god, that's amazing!" Alexia screamed and ran into Harry's arms.

What the heck were they talking about?

Like usual, Louis was thinking the same thing I was, and spoke our thoughts. "May we ask what you two are on about?" he said.

They laughed. "I have good news" Harry said. We called down Erica and Liam. Whatever this good news was, we didn't want them to miss it.

"Alexia and I are moving in together!" Harry said. Wow, that really was good news! I was so happy for them!

We congratulated them and I hugged Alexia. "Yeah, we didn't want to tell you guys anything until I actually found a place, but we've been discussing it for about a month. I just found the perfect place! It's about five miutes away from here. You're gonna love it, Alee" Harry said and hugged Alexia. 

We decided to celebrate by ordering pizza and watching a movie, which is what we always do to celebrate something. Like usual, no one was able to decide on a movie. Louis and I sat on the couch and just watched the others fight over which movie we were going to watch. It was a familiar scene, but it made me laugh every time.

As I watched them, my mind went to other things. It went back to the events that happened three months ago. Louis and I being held captive in some barn, John committing suicide, being told that my father killed Tommy.

Tommy. I was still mourning over his passing. It was hard to believe that I was never going to see him again. Some nights it was too much for me to handle, and I would just burst into tears. Louis was always there to comfort me.

I don't know where my dad is. I haven't heard from him in 2 years. I know he's still alive though. He must have killed my brother about a month before John took me and Louis captive. I know this because I talked to Tommy on the phone about a week before that. 

Louis wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "You okay?" he asked and kissed my forehead.

"I'm fine. Just thinking" I replied. 

"Well stop thinking and direct your attention to the t.v screen. We have decided on a movie!" Harry said, apparently overhearing what I just said. Louis and I laughed and turned our heads to face the t.v.


About half an hour into Fast & Furious, my cell phone rang. I excused myself from the room and answered the phone upstairs in the game room.

"Hello?" I said into the speaker.

"Is this Amanda?" the voice on the other end said. It was a very serious-sounding woman. She didn't sound familiar.

"Yes, and who are you?" I said.

"That's not important. What's important is the information I have. I know who your father is. And I know that he's planning something. Something terrible. He's looking for you, Amanda. He wants to find you and take you."


"Don't question how I know all this, just accept that it is the truth" the woman said, cutting me off. "Listen carefully, Amanda. Your father is plotting something big, and you're his biggest weapon. But once he is done with you, I assure you that he will not let you live. I cannot tell you everything now, but more information will come in due time.

Running away and going into hiding is probably the last thing you want to do,

but if I were you,

I would."

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