Chapter 17

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-Harry's P.O.V-

We had all spent the night at Joanna's flat. Well, everyone except Louis and Amanda. They wanted to spend some time alone. I smirked. Some time alone. I knew what that meant. I mean, I couldn't blame him. Our tour was starting in two weeks and I'm sure he wanted to spend as much time with Amanda as possible.

It was now the next morning. I sat up on the blow-up mattress I was sharing with Alexia. I turned my head to look at the sleeping beauty laying beside me. Her hair was fanned over the pillow and she was tangled in the covers. I laughed. How was it possible to be as adorable as she was?

I stretched and checked my phone for any texts. Nothing. Guess Louis was really busy; he didn't answer the text I sent him last night. I laughed silently. That dog.

I checked the time. It was only 8:00. What the hell was I doing up so early? I got up and checked the other rooms. Everyone else was still asleep. I was wide awake, so I decided to go for a walk. I left a note on my pillow so Alexia wouldn't worry, grabbed my coat and phone, and headed out the door.

I walked down a few streets, not having a specific destination I was heading to. I liked going out for walks. It felt good to get the fresh air. 

I continued to walk, stopping when I passed a pet store. I decided to go in. I didn't want to admit this, but I liked going into pet stores to see all the adorable little animals.

I passed a few birds and bunnies, stopping to look at some huskies. I was more of a cat person myself, but I had to admit that these little guys were adorable. One of them specifically caught my eye. He was staring at me with huge brown eyes, his tongue sticking out and tail wagging. I smiled at it.

Just then, a thought came to me. Alexia once told me that she's always wanted a dog. She's wanted one since she was a little girl, but her parents were allergic. After she moved out, she wanted to get one, but she wasn't sure if she was ready for the responsibility. I think she's ready.

All of a sudden, my phone started to beep. It was a text from Alexia. I smiled. 

Message from: My Girl

Good morning Haz! I got your note :) Where are you? x

I had the most perfect idea ever. I started typing to reply to her.

Reply to: My Girl

Morning, Beautiful ;)  I have a surprise for you. Meet me at the park near Joanna's flat in 20 mins <3

I looked at the adorable puppy one last time before going to find an employee.

-Alexia's P.O.V-

I was walking to the park. What surprise could Harry possibly have for me? I didn't have a clue. I was still thinking about it when I arrived at the park and spotted Harry sitting on a bench. He was holding his coat closed and was squirming around. His coat looked a little bigger and it looked like something was moving inside of it. Moving? I must be going crazy.

I approached him and sat down beside him, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Hi" I said. "Hey" he replied, still squirming. I giggled. "You okay, there?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" he asked, then let out a little squeek and jumped up, causing the moving thing in his coat jump out. It looked up at us, its tail wagging and tongue sticking out.

I couldn't believe it. Harry bought me a puppy? I looked back and forth from the adorable husky to Harry, who had a goofy grin on his face. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I attacked Harry into the tightest hug I think I've ever given anyone.

"Thank you!" I yelled a little too loudly, causing some people walking by to look at me like I was crazy. I didn't care. I smashed a few messy kisses everywhere on Harry's face. He laughed. "Wow, glad I made you happy" he said. I smiled widely at him. He had no idea how happy he made me.

I looked down at the puppy. Surprisingly, it didn't run away. It just looked up at me, its head cocked to the side. I picked it up and placed it on my lap. "It's so cute!" I said and scratched behing its ears.

"He's so cute" Harry corrected me. So it was a male. "What are you gonna name him?" Harry asked.

I grinned. "Gizmo" I said. He laughed. "Gizmo? How did you come up with that?" he said.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I've just always wanted to name my dog Gizmo. I came up with the name when I was like five" I said and giggled at the memory.

Harry smiled. "Well I love the name" he said and pet Gizmo. He wagged his tail in appreciation. 

I don't think I'd ever felt happier then I did at that moment. 

-Amanda's P.O.V-

I woke to the sound of a hiccup. It must've been Louis. I smiled at the memory of last night. It was my first time, and I was glad that it was with Louis. Glad that there was feeling behind doing it.

"Lou?" I turned my head, still groggy. My eyes were still closed. I was too tired to open them. Louis didn't answer me. "Lou?" I said again, a little louder this time. I tried to lift up my arms to stretch, but I couldn't. Why couldn't I lift up my arms?

I opened my eyes. The room was pitch black. I noticed that I wasn't lying down in a bed, but sitting up in a chair. I tried lifting my arms again. They seemed to be tied to the chair. I attempted to move my legs. They were also tied.

"What the hell?" I said. Where was I? What was going on? Where was Louis? "Louis!" I shouted this time, starting to panic a little. I tried to squeeze my wrists through the rope, but couldn't. They were tied pretty tight.

Just then I heard footsteps coming towards me. Relief flooded over me. "Thank God. I was starting to get worried. Is this some kind of joke, Lou? 'Cause I don't find it very funny".

I heard a chuckle through the darkness. That voice wasn't Louis'. But I knew who it was. I'd know that voice anywhere. My eyes widened.

"Did you miss me, Mandy Pandy?"

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