Chapter 5

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I ran blindly down the streets of London, vision blurred from tears. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I just wanted to leave. I never liked crying in front of other people, and I definitely wasn't going to cry in front of One Direction. I didn't want them to think I was weak. I didn't want anyone to think I was weak.

I hated John. So much. Half of what he said to me on the phone didn't even make sense, but the fact that he kept calling and texting me was bugginng me. The fact that he was constantly reminding me how much he hurt me. He couldn't stand the fact that I broke up with him. He liked to be in charge. He definitely liked being in charge of me...

I picked up the pace, hoping I would find something that would looked familiar so I could find my way back to my flat. I stopped running, starting to feel hopeless, when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I jumped and turned around, ready to hit the intruder.

But it wasn't an intruder. It was Louis. Out of breath from running. I wiped my face and forced myself to stop crying. "Louis?" I said. "You-run-fast" he said between breaths. I was confused. "Why did you come after me?" I said. He looked down at his shoes, put his hands in his pockets and... blushed? Did he just blush? I ignored it, thinking it was just my imagination. "I, uh, I" he hesitated. "I forgot to ask you what time you're coming tomorrow" he said. "Oh. Um, maybe in the afternoon around 2 o'clock?" I said. "Yeah, that sounds good" Louis said. He smiled. I smiled back weakly, still not in the best mood. I began to turn around, planning to continue walking and said, "Ok, see you tomorrow. Bye, Louis." "Wait" he said. I turned back around to look at him. "I know it's none of my business, but who were you on the phone with before? You seemed pretty upset after you hung up" he said. My eyes widened. That was not what I was expecting him to say. I tried my best to smile and said, "Oh, John? It's nothing. Just a guy" I felt the tears coming again. "I-I have to go." The tears came before I could turn around and keep running. Louis noticed, and grabbed my wrist to stop me from turning away.

"I'm probably not the best person to confide to since you just met me, but you look like you have something on your mind. Wanna talk about it?" he said. I was shocked. Did Louis Tomlinson just ask me to talk about my problems with him? I nodded because I really did want to talk to someone and said, "Okay". He smiled and handed me a tissue. "Follow me. I know a great place where we can talk" he smiled a mischievous smile, grabbed my hand, and dragged me the opposite way that I was headed.

-Liam's P.O.V-

I was about to open the door to the game room when I heard the door downstairs slam, then slam again. I turned around to look at everyone else. Two people were missing; Louis and Amanda. Confused, I searched for them downstairs. Yup, they were gone. "Uh, Joanna? Do you know where your cousin went?" I said. "Huh? I didn't even notice that she left! Oh no" Joanna said. She picked up her phone, dialed a number, and put it to her ear. A few seconds later, she sighed impatiently and ended the call. "She's not answering her phone. Damn, it must be about that stupid jerk, John. Everytime he calls her, she runs off to be by herself. I'm gonna go look for her." she said. John? It was none of my business, so I didn't ask what she was talking about. Being the protective person that I am, I said, "Wait. I'll go. It's not safe out there at night. You stay here. Louis' not here either, so she's probably with him. I'm sure she's fine" I looked back at Joanna's concerned face one more time before leaving the flat.


I had been walking for an hour, with still no sign of Louis or Amanda. Louis wasn't answering his phone either, but he never does, so I wasn't too concerned.

Just then, I heard two people arguing. I followed the sound curiously. It was coming from a dark alley behind a club. In the alley, there was a girl being pinned to the wall by a guy. 

"Leave me alone, Tony!" the girl was saying. "Aw, come on, baby. I thought we were getting along pretty well" he said and started kissing her neck. He was obviously drunk. "Tony, stop. Stop!" she tried pushing him off her, but he had her gripped pretty tight. "No you stop it! You're mine, baby" he started unbuttoning her blouse. She screamed. "Shut up, bitch!" he yelled back and slapped her. Hard. She landed on the ground with a hard thump. 

"Hey!" I said, walking into the alley. "Hey!" I yelled again, this time close enough to Tony to push him. "Get outta here, man. This is none of your business" he said. "No, you get out of here" I said. "Oh yeah? And what if I don't?" That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I punched him in the jaw, hard enough to hear bone crack. He swore and spit out blood. "Now, I'm going to say this one more time. Get. out. of. here" I said. At that, he ran off.

I turned my attention to the girl lying motionless on the ground. I bent down to get a better look at her. Her head was bleeding. She must have hit it when she fell. I brushed her hair out of her face, trying to get a better look at her. Her neck was bruised from where Tony was holding her. Her left cheak had a big red mark from where he hit her. Her mascara was smudged all over her face.  And she was still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. 

Without thinking, I scooped her up in my arms and ran back to the flat, completely forgetting about finding Amanda and Louis.

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