Chapter 19

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-Niall's P.O.V-

We all woke up the next morning and gathered around the kitchen table. Two people were missing; Alexia and Harry. I wondered where they were. Probably out for a walk or something.

I helped Joanna make some bacon, eggs, and potatoes while Liam, Erica, Zayn, and Leni sat at the table and chatted. I was taking the bacon out of the frying pan when I heard a dog bark from outside the flat. I jumped, causing the bacon strips to fall on the floor. Everyone laughed. I picked up the pieces quickly and put them in my plate. Five-second rule, right? They were still good.

As I was putting more strips into the frying pan for everyone else to eat, the door opened. I looked up to see Harry and Alexia walk in with huge grins on their faces. 

I smiled back at them. "Hey, guys. Where were y- what the hell?!" I was interrupted when I felt something furry brush against my bare feet. I looked down to see the most adorable little husky staring up at me, its tail wagging and tickling my feet.

"Awwww!" Everyone said, looking down at the cutest dog I've ever seen. 

Alexia giggled. "His name is Gizmo. Harry just bought him for me" she said, eyes shining with happiness.

"Aw, Haz! You adorable son of a b*tch, you" Zayn said, purposelly sounding over-enthusiastic. We all laughed as Harry blushed and looked down. 

Alexia kissed him on the cheek. "I hope you don't mind there being a dog in your flat, Jo" Alexia said to Joanna. Yup, they were on a nickname-basis now. Joanna laughed.

"Of course I don't mind! I love dogs" she said as she crouched down to pet the little guy. "So does Amanda. She's gonna cuddle the shit out of Gizmo when she sees him" Joanna said, laughing.

"Speaking of Amanda, maybe we should call her or Lou and see how the two love birds are doing" Leni said. She was right; We haven't spoken to them in a while.

"Well, I think Louis' phone is dead. He didn't answer the text I sent him last night" Harry said.

"Okay. I'll try Amanda's cell, then" Joanna said. She pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket and dialed Amanda's number. She held it to her ear for about a minute before sighing impatiently and ending the call. "She's not answering her phone, either."

Everyone looked around at each other in concern. "Let me try the home phone" Zayn said. He quickly dialed the number into his Iphone and placed it to his ear. Just like Joanna, he sighed after a minute or two, then hung up. "No answer" he said.

Now, I'm not the type to jump to conclusions. I'm usually the carefree one that is the most relaxed during a bad situation, but I was starting to get a little worried. Joanna clutched onto my arm. She looked up at me, concern written all over her face. I knew what she was thinking. I hugged her tightly. "Don't worry. I'm sure everything's fine" I whispered into her ear. I'm not sure I believed those words, but I couldn't stand seeing that look on her face. She relaxed a little in my arms.

Liam, being the daddy he is, spoke up and tried to reassure everyone. "Come on guys. They probably just went out for a bit and forgot their phones at the flat. No need to worry. I say we finish breakfast, then we can all go to our flat and spend the day there. Amanda and Lou are probably missing us anyway" he finished with a smile.

We all smiled back and continued with breakfast, ignoring the bad feeling in the pit of our stomachs that I'm sure we were all feeling.

-Louis' P.O.V-

I awoke to the sound of Amanda's yelling. It all flooded back to me. I was tied to a chair. So was Amanda. John brought us here. He hit me in the head with a pipe. I lost consciousness.

My head throbbed where John hit me. I opened my eyes a little. I saw John standing in front of Amanda, his back turned to me. I could see Amanda. Tears here streaming down her face. I winced. I couldn't stand seeing her like that. John was seriously a crazy bastard. What normal person would do this to people?

I was almost positive he had a split personality. I remembered that small moment when he was apologizing to Amanda for all that he's done, then the next minute he was back to his crazy self and he hit me with a metal bar.

I returned my attention to the conversation taking place in front of me. I tried to stay as quiet as possible. I knew John would stop talking if he knew I was awake.

"Liar!" Amanda yelled as loud as she could. Her voice cracked a little. She had probably been yelling a lot. I'm sure I missed a long conversation while I was unconscious.

"Why would I lie?" John answered. "I got the information directly from your dad. If anyone's lying, it's him, though I doubt that he is." I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was smirking.

What was he talking about? What did her dad have to do with this?

"Wouldn't be the first time you lied to me. Remember Julia?" Amanda said. She wasn't crying anymore. She lifted her eyebrows at him in accusation.

John fidgeted a little before answering. "I don't believe I do" he said.

Amanda laughed. "Really? Tall, blonde, green eyes, big boobs... any of that ringing a bell? She was very well acquainted with your bed" she said. I stifled a laugh.

"Oh yeah. The 'big boobs' part rings a bell. Julia. Damn, she was good in bed" John snickered. I wanted to throw up. He was such a pig.

I could've sworn that Amanda was reading my mind because the next thing she said was, "You're a pig."

John laughed. "Ah, but I'm a pig with information. I'm pretty sure you didn't even know your dad was a drug dealer, let alone a killer" he said. My eyes widened. What?!

Amanda's parents got divorced last year. She hadn't seen her father since. Her mom told her it was because he was always so busy at work.

Amanda cleared her throat and looked down. "Like I said before, I don't believe you" she barely whispered. I knew she was caving in. I wished she wouldn't. I didn't trust anything that came out of John's mouth.

"Amanda?" I said groggily, as if I had just woken up. I opened my eyes and looked up to see John looking down at me. "Oh, hi there. What did I miss? Sorry I couldn't be a part of whatever conversation you guys were just having, but I seemed to have lost consciousness after being hit in the head. Hm, I wonder who could've done it..." I said sarcastically and smiled sweetly. I glanced quickly at Amanda. She looked frightened.

John smirked. "Oh, you didn't miss much. We were just catching up on things. Right, Amanda?" he said.

"Oh, uh, yeah" Amanda mumbled. She still looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna go get some food. I'll be back in ten minutes. Don't go anywhere" John said, then laughed at his own joke. He started walking to what I guessed was the exit to this hell hole.

"Bring me back a cheeseburger" I said. He looked back at me like I was crazy. I smiled at him. He turned back around and walk out. 

I waited another minute before speaking to make sure John was far enough. "Amanda. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked.

She didn't answer me. "Amanda?" I tried again.

There was a long pause before she finally spoke.

"My dad killed my brother." 

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