Chapter 12

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-Harry's P.O.V-

I walked quickly down the streets of London, gripping the magazine tightly in my hand. After about ten minutes, I finally found Alexia's flat building. I ran up to the third floor and knocked on the door of Flat 33.

"Who is it?" Alexia called, sounding annoyed.

I gulped nervously before answering, knowing that she would not be pleased to see me. "It's Harry" I said.

There was a pause. "No one's home" she replied after a few seconds, and raised the volume on what I guessed was the television. 

I sighed. "Look, I know you're really annoyed of me and think I'm some jerk. You've told me that enough times" I mumbled that last sentence, "But I really need to talk to you. All I want is for you to answer one question, and then I'll leave you alone" I said. But I wouldn't be leaving her alone. I wouldn't give up.

After what felt like the longest minute of my life, I finally heard the door unlock, and saw the handle turning. Alexia opened the door slightly, only poking her head out just enough to see me. "What do you want?" she asked, not sounding amused at all.

I didn't say a word. All I did was lift up the magazine for her to see the picture and the caption underneath it. Her eyes widened.

She attempted to slam the door in my face, but I quickly put my foot in between the door and the door frame, preventing it from closing.

She swore, then looked at me, her eyes brimming with tears. "What do you want from me?" she shouted, the tears starting to slowly stream down her face. She brushed them away impatiently.

I cautiously took a step towards her, knowing she'd just push me away if I came too close. "I want to understand" I said.

She hesitated a little, then nodded as if she decided on something, and stepped aside to let me in. I smiled at her and walked into her flat. She closed the door and walked ahead of me, settling down on a chair at the kitchen table. I walked over to the kitchen and sat on the chair that was facing her and placed the magazine on the table. We sat there in silence for a few awkward minutes. She fidgeted a little, looking very nervous.

Finally, Alexia sighed. She looked down at her hands and began to speak. "I dated Jacob Fray a few years ago. I met him at a park. We bumped into each other, which caused me to drop my soda all over him. When I looked up to apologize to him, I couldn't believe who was stading in front of me. I was a huge fan of him. I thought he was an amazing actor. And, of course, I thought he was incredibly cute. He offered to buy me another drink, and I accepted. I mean, who would say no to Jacob Fray? Little did I know that the papparazzi were following us. They took pictures of us. The next day, we were on the cover of every single teen magazine. 'Sorry, girls! Looks like Jacob found a girl'. That was one of the headlines. I didn't think it was a big deal. I knew there would probably be paps around since Jacob's famous" she took a deep breath before continuing.

"That's when the hate mail started coming. I had no idea how they had even found my e-mail address, but they did somehow. I kept getting e-mail after e-mail from his fans, telling me to stay away from him, and calling me certain names. I didn't let it get to me, though. I didn't care what some stupid, jealous kids thought of me. I continued to date him for a few months, and everything was going well. The hate mail slowly stopped coming, and we were really happy. All of a sudden, Jacob started acting different. We would rarely see eachother. The only times we did was when he would force me to go to fancy events with him. He would act all sweet to me and steal a kiss here and there, but that was only when we were in front of a camera. As soon as we were back in his car, he would ignore me. Suddenly, I wouldn't be talking to him on the phone, I would be talking to his manager, who would tell me that Jacob was too busy to come to talk to me. The only times I did talk to him were when he would call me to brag about a gig he got, or to invite me to some other fancy red carpet event. It took me a while to realize that he was just using me as a publicity stunt. He never cared about me. It was all an act, so I ended it" a tear started to roll down her cheek.

"I actually thought that I finally found someone that cared about me. What was I thinking? Obviously he never cared. Why would he? That's what all you celebrities are like. You don't care about anything. You-"

"I care about you" I cut her off. She had told me enough. Jacob was a jerk, and I wasn't going to let her continue to think that we were all like that. I wouldn't allow it. "I've cared about you from the moment I met you. Why can't you realize that? I've tried and tried to get you to notice just how much I care. I'm not like him, Alexia. This isn't an act" I said.

She got up from her chair and looked at me, confused, unsure of what to do. I took advantage of her moment of confusion to quickly walk up to her, leaving only a few inches between us. She didn't push me away. That was a good sign.

I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Still, she didn't push me away. 

I cupped her cheeks in my hands and gently brushed her tears away with my thumbs. Still, she didn't push me away. 

"I care about you, Alexia. I have from the second I saw you, and I always will" I said.

I crushed my lips onto hers before she could say anything else. She kissed me back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pushed myself closer to her, which caused her to back up into the kitchen counter. She hands ran through my hair as mine explored her back. I lifted her up to sit on the counter. I placed soft kisses down her neck, causing her to gasp. I then returned to her full, soft lips.

Just then, l heard laughing and the jingling of keys. I jumped away from Alexia, both of us struggling to catch our breath.

The door opened and Liam, Erica, Niall, Joanna, Zayn, and Leni walked in. Seeing Alexia on the counter and me standing not too far from her, all of their jaws dropped. Well, everyone except Niall, who was laughing.

Zayn was the first to recover from the shock. "Well, well" he said. "What's going on here?"

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