Chapter 8

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-Amanda's P.O.V-

We had been dancing for hours, completely lost in the music. Louis kept a respectful distance from me, but I wanted him closer. I wanted his arms around me, moving with me to the beat of the music...

No. I shook my head, trying to get the image out. I looked around, attempting to focus my mind on something else. I decided to focus on looking for the rest of the group. Joanna was sitting at the bar with Niall. They seemed to be deep in conversation. She laughed and playfully shoved Niall's shoulder. He laughed too. I smiled, glad that Joanna was having a good time. Erica and Liam weren't too far from us, also dancing. Liam didn't take his eyes off of Erica once since we arrived at the club. Wow, he really liked this girl. Zayn was buying a drink at the bar. It looked like he was trying to flirt with the waitress. The flirting was apparently paying off because the waitress was laughing and smiling at him.

Wait a second. Where was Harry?

Just then, a slow song started playing. Who plays a slow song at a club? Confused, I looked at the DJ. Harry was there, talking to the DJ. He must've given a song request. Then, he walked to the bar where Alexia was sitting. He extended a hand to her and said something. He was asking her to dance. She shook her head and focused her attention back on her drink, ignoring his other attempts to get her to dance with him. Who would refuse to dance with Harry?

All of a sudden, I felt two strong hands firmly planted on my waist. I looked up. Louis was looking down at me, smiling. I blushed furiously. Shaking, I put my arms around his neck. We slowly moved back and forth, following the beat of the music. I felt safe in his arms. Louis bent down, his mouth next to my ear. "You look lovely, by the way" he whispered.


I was at my friend Sabrina's spring break party with John, dancing the night away. A slow song came on. He placed his strong hands firmly on my waist. I put my arms around his neck and placed my head on his chest. I always felt safe in his arms. He bent down, his mouth next to my ear. "You look lovely" he whispered.


I placed a hand on Louis' chest, pushing him away softly. He gave me a confused look and dropped his hands from my waist. "Everything alright?" he said, looking concerned.

"I-I can't" I stuttered, unable to form a complete sentence. I turned around and ran to the exit.

Once I was outside, I rounded the corner, finding myself in an alley. I leaned on the brick wall, taking a deep breath. Louis is nice, honest, and cares about me. And I wanted him to dance with me like that, right? Then why did I run off?

Because John was nice, then he started with the insults. John was honest, then he started with the lies. John cared about me, then he hurt me. I couldn't get hurt like that again. I just couldn't.

John has ruined my life. The reality of that hit me hard. The tears came before I could stop them.

-Harry's P.O.V-

She went straight for the bar when she entered the club and ordered a drink. I stood there for a few minutes, deciding how I should go about talking to her. There was only one thing to do; turn on the charm. 

I quickly fixed my hair, and walked towards the stool that she was sitting on. I sat on the stool next to her and smiled. "Hey, you're Alexia right?" I said. She looked up at me. God, she was pretty. "Yup" she answered. She looked at me for less than a second before looking back down at her drink, fiddling with the straw. "So, is this your first time at Fabric?" I said, trying to keep up a conversation. "No, I've been here a few times" she answered, not looking up. "Oh, okay. Cool. So, uh, are you from London?" I asked. "No, I moved here last year. I'm from Cheshire" she answered. "Really? I'm also from Cheshire" I said. She laughed, but the laugh had no humor in it. "I know" she said.

"So you know who I am" I said. "Of course I do. You're in One Direction. Everyone around me is constantly talking about you. How could I not know who you are?" she said, rolling her eyes. I sighed. This wasn't going well. "Well you seem kind of bored just sitting here by yourself. Do you want to dance?" I asked. "No thanks" she answered, again not looking up.

"Why not?" I asked, unable to hide the dissapointment in my voice. Now she looked up. "What, you think I'm gonna dance with you just because you're famous? No. I'm not like the rest. I'm not interested in any celebrities. You're all fake" she said. Whoah, I wasn't expecting that. "But I'm not fake. I'm just a regular guy" I said. "Of course you are" she said sarcastically. I sighed. "Come on, just one dance, then I'll leave you alone" I said. "No thank you. Not only do I not want to dance with you, I hate club music. The only reason I go to clubs is so Erica doesn't come alone" she said. I was about to give up when an idea came to me. "Be right back" I said, walking towards the DJ.

I paid him to play a slow song and walked back to where Alexia was sitting. I extended my hand out to her. She tured around on the stool so she was facing me. "May I have this dance now?" I asked. She shook her head and turned back around. After a few more attempts, I think she started to get annoyed. "You know what? Prove to me that you're not fake and that you're just like the rest of us, and maybe you'll get that dance someday" she said. Someday? Well, I guess it was better than nothing. I smiled, ready for the challenge. I'd do anything to get this girl to at least not hate me. "No problem" I said. "Great. I'm probably going to be seeing you again since Erica is apparently friends with you guys now, so prove it to me another day. Right now, leave me alone" she said.

Respecting her wishes, I walked away, knowing that this wasn't the last conversation I would be having with Alexia.

I would convince her that I wasn't like the rest of the celebrities out there. 

And even if she didn't believe me right away, I'm not the type of person to give up easily.

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