Chapter 4

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-Louis' P.O.V-

I hate it when Zayn beats me at Mario Kart. We were on our fourth race, and he beat me every time so far. I was in the zone, so sure that I would beat him in the next race. "I'm gonna beat you this time!" I said. "Never!" Zayn replied. My character was gaining speed, having just recieved a red mushroom from a mystery box. I passed Toad, then Peach, then Luigi. I was so close behind Zayn that I was sure that I would catch up. I swerved around a red mystery box, jumped off a ramp and-

I heard someone clear their throat. I looked away from the tele. So did Zayn. Standing in the doorway was Harry, with two girls standing on either side of him. My eyes stopped on the girl on the right. She was stunning.

She didn't look that much younger than me. Maybe eighteen or nineteen. She was pretty tall, probably 5'8". She had brown, curly hair that looks like it would not agree with her on humid days. She had glasses on, which made her look smart. I bet she really is smart. Her eyes were almond shaped and an interesting shade of brown. She had slight dimples, which made her look younger when she smiled. A stray piece of hair fell in her face. My hand itched to tuck it back behind her ear...

I was snapped back into reality. What was wrong with me? I don't even know the girl's name yet and I'm having these thoughts? God, I was weird. "Hey guys. This is Joanna and Amanda. I bumped into them on my way to the store, and since they're fans, I thought that they should meet the rest of the bunch" said Harry. Amanda. I've always liked that name.

Liam was the first to say hi, then Zayn. For some reason, Niall seemed to have been glued to the floor, and was unable to speak, so I went forward to greet the girls. I hugged both of them, maybe hugging Amanda a little longer. She didn't seem to notice. "Of course, Haz. We send you out to buy more chips and you come back with two pretty girls instead" I said, trying to be funny. Joanna laughed, but Amanda only smiled weakly. She didn't seem too pleased that I called her pretty. I brushed it off, hoping it was just my imagination.

Niall seemed to still be in a daze. We all stared at him, waiting for him to say something. Nothing. "Niall? You alright mate?" Zayn said. Niall finally came back to reality. He said hi to Joanna, and blushed. 

"Well then. Now that we're done with the introductions, why don't you girls stay a little while?" Harry said. The rest of us agreed, except for Niall, who was very busy staring at Joanna. I smiled and whispered, "Looks like he's moving on from Demi Lovato" in Zayn's ear. We both laughed.

I waited for Amanda to answer, hoping she'd say yes. "Sure, I guess we can stay for a while. Right, Joanna?" Joanna seemed to be distracted by Niall's face, so she didn't' answer. "I'll take that as a yes" Amanda said. We all laughed. "Good" I said, a little too excitedly. Again, she didn't seem to notice "Yeah" Niall said, coming back down from planet Joanna. "Why don't we give you a tour of the place?" "I'd love that!" Joanna replied. Trying to cover up my nerves and excitement, I turned on the sass.  "Well then come on in! We can't give you a tour if you stand in the doorway the whole time"

They laughed and walked in.

-Amanda's P.O.V-

"This is the living room, and right next to it is the kitchen," Zayn said, starting the tour. The flat was a total of three floors. We were now on the main one. The place was gorgeous! The huge white puffy couch in front of a 75" flat screen tele mounted on top of the beautiful brick fireplace. The kitchen was just as stunning; marble countertops, stainless steal appliances, the wood shelves and cupboards. I couldn't even imagine what the rest of the flat could look like.

"Let's show them the game room" Liam said, already halfway up the stairs. Everyone followed him, Niall walking beside Joanna. I was about to follow them when I felt my phone vibrate. I didn't have caller ID, so I couldn't see who was calling me. I answered, already half-expecting who was going to be on the other end.

"Hello?" I said. "Heyyyy babe." It was John. And he was drunk. Of course. "What do you want Jo-" "No" He cut me off. "You listen to me. I don't remember why you're mad at me, but can you stop being a dramatic bitch? I'm not letting you get away with dumping me and humiliating me in public. You made me look like an asshole, so now you're stuck with me. I'm yours, and you're mine. You thought moving to England was going to solve your problems? Well, you thought wrong. I'm gonna make your life a living hell! You ugly wh-" I ended the call, not able to take anymore of his bullshit. On the verge of tears, I walked towards the door. 

"Amanda?" It was Louis. "Are you alright?" I tried to hold in the tears. "Yeah, I'm fine. Tell Joanna I had to leave, but she can stay as long as she wants. Tell her that I'm going back to my flat. Bye, Louis. It was great meeting you." "Wait." He said, grabbing my wrist. "Do you want to come back tomorrow? Since we didn't get to finish the tour today?" I sighed. "I don't know if I can-" "Please?" he said. I smiled and blushed a little, despite the horrible mood I was in. "Alright. I'll come back tomorrow." I said.

I just made it out the door when the tears started coming.

-Louis' P.O.V-

I was walking up the stairs, following Liam to the game room, when I heard Amanda's voice. I stopped and turned around.

"Hello?" she said into the phone. "What to you want Jo-" It sounded like she was cut off. She listened for a few more seconds before ending the call, looking very upset. She then rushed towards the door. I ran down the stairs, planning to stop her from leaving.

"Amanda? Are you okay?" I said. She took a deep breath, probably trying to hold in tears. I don't know why, but I couldn't stand seeing her like that. "Yeah, I'm fine. Tell Joanna I had to leave, but she can stay as long as she wants. Tell her that I'm going back to my flat. Bye, Louis. It was great meeting you." "Wait" I said, grabbing her wrist. I didn't want her to leave, but she obviously didn't want to stay right now, so I said, "Do you want to come back tomorrow? Since we didn't get to finish the tour today?" She sighed. "I don't know if I can-" "Please?" I cut her off. I really wanted to see her again. She smiled. "Alright. I'll come back tomorrow." I smiled too and let go of her wrist, letting her leave. It was after the door closed between us that I heard her crying.

I opened the door and went after her.

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