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this week we are in survival mode.
we're coping, as best as we can.
and i am here, with you, the only way i know how to be.

i'm trying to take care of you by managing everything you don't have time to focus on.
giving you opportunities to escape and relax and distract yourself from the inevitable.

i love you, i always will. all i want to do is help you out.
i'm here with you as often as i can be.

i know i can't understand your pain, but i can be here while your world crumbles to try and keep you together.

we're hearing stories about her i've never heard, and i am amazed at how similar you are to her.

like mother, like daughter.

nobody prepares you for the death of your best friend's mom. not ever, but especially not like this.

we know all we can do is take it day by day, but i know you want definite answers.
nobody knows anything for sure and that kills me for you.
i tried my hardest to ask god to give you more time. maybe this uncertainty is him giving it to you.

she's tired.
you're exhausted, you're not sleeping.

last night we had fun, and i know how desperately you needed it. i'm glad you got to let loose (even if we regretted some of the fun in the morning). i just loved seeing a smile on your face again.

when the time comes, i will be here. i will hold you and i will sit quietly while we cry together. you can't save everyone.  you can't protect everyone, especially not when you aren't putting yourself first.

i'll put you first as long as you need me to.

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