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"You're so golden.. ta tadadada..."

This time the singing wasn't heard in the room in a small apartment, somewhere in Seoul, South Korea. It was heard in the hallway of International Preforming Arts School, known as IPAS.

There were plenty of students watching the boy, who so much believed in unnaturathings weirdly. They did like the boy's voice, it was just what he listened to and how he acted like no one liked him at all. Although, this wasn't true.

Renjun infact acted like he did, because of his anger issues and bad experience with people in general. He didn't want to lose friends again because he lost temper. Yes, it happened before.

"I'm out of my head
And I know that you're scared
Because hearts get broken~"

Almost everyone turned their heads towards a sun kissed boy. He was kind of tall. Well, tall enough to be called tall. His friends were smirking and teasing him.

Renjun, though, didn't notice this because he was wearing his white Bluetooth headphones. At one point he did notice that people were staring at something, so he moved the headphones so he could hear what People were talking about. It was quite quiet though, so he turned around.

"Loving you's the antidote... Golden", he sang quietly.

"You're so golden
I don't wanna be alone~"

Renjun's eyes widened a bit. That was the voice from behind his wall. That sounded exactly the same.

"What the hell is happening here?" Some girl asked. That girl was known for having a huge crush on Renjun. She of course didn't know, that Renjun had no interest in her or women in general.

"Love, bitch!" A guy next to the sun kissed yelled. His voice was sort of high pitched and had a second of a dolphin lile screech at one point.

The brunette-blonde quickly moved his gaze away and blushed. He then went to his locker and took his history books out.

His locker had a note in it once again. This, we're going to ignore and throw to the trash, because it was from that creepy girl.

What he did not expect was that the certain sun kissed guy, who he has had a crush on since day one of going to the school approached him.

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