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"Well, well, look who's inside again"

Renjun and Jeno were joking about a lot of stuff at this point while some Bo Burnham songs were playing in the back. They got to know eachother better. The younger even now considered him as a friend– he didn't before, because Jeno had been a little quiet when they first met.

The Aries had this small feeling in his gut that the guy behind his wall was listening to them. He wanted to check if he was right but he decided to wait for a bit. And besides, he'd probably have the whole summer to find out who it was and get to know him.

"Did you know that Haechan lives next to you?"

"Yeah, I kind of found out the day when he first talked to me and everyone was like 'what kind of love story is this'."

The guys laughed quietly. There was a little thump on the wall and a groan.

"What's up with you?" Renjun asked, "Not you Jeno."

"I'm bored. Wanna come over?"

This got Renjun to hesitate. He had no idea who the guy was, he hated that, but then he also wanted to meet him. He also didn't know that Jeno knew the guy, so he was more unsure than he usually would have been.

"I swear with my life, I'm not a creepy guy who'll rape you and abuse you untill the police find me and save you. Your friend could come too!"

"Fine I'll ask..."

The two left the shoter's room and went to the living room where the two adults were. They looked at the teen-agers weirdly, since it seemed like they had done something that they shouldn't have.

"What did you do?" Taeyong asked. He sounded like he didn't want to deal with anything right now. He didn't look like it either.

"Can we go see a friend?"

"Depends on who and where."

"He lives in this building, I also know him and Renjun could meet him."

"Okay, fine. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't use anything like that or I'll kill you."

"Renjun if you do that I'll-"

"Don't please make me move back to my parents."

Everyone looked at the two-tone haired guy.

"No. Why would I do that? I wanted to say that I'd have your room taken away and get you grounded and put a mini camera to your clothes so I'd see everything. Go now, you don't want your friend to wait."

Renjun and Jeno thanked their cousins and left. They then went out of the apartment and knocked on the door to the right. Not soon after a sun kissed guy came to open it.

He was smiling and almost launched himself at the youngest. Good thing that he didn't.


"Why are you so surprised?"

"Because I thought you'd be someone else."

Now Renjun wanted to cuddle. Great. He didn't want Jeno to feel like a third wheel but he then again wanted to let his inner cuddle lover out. It wasn't that great when that happened, because he wasn't sure if the others would feel comfortable.

"Come in already."

The guys went to Donghyuck's room. There they sat down where they wanted to sit. It was pretty awkward for a little.

"Can I call Jaemin to come here, I'm feeling like a third wheel."

"Yeah, the more the merrier. Oh and Injun you look very cute today."

"Ew get a room."

Around fifteen to twenty minutes after Jeno ended the call with Jaemin, there was a knock on the door. Jeno went to open it because it was his boyfriend. The two came back to the smallish room and the pink haired went straight to hug the others.

This was new to Renjun. Any of his old friends never hugged him, that's why he was so unsure about physical touch. Other reason was his relationship with his parents.

It was kind of weird to know that he wasn't surrounded by homophobia for the Aries, although it was a good thing. This came to his mind when he saw Jeno and Jaemin kiss eachother quickly. It didn't make him uncomfortable, he just didn't know what to do, like if he should look away or not.

"I'm sorry but are you uncomfortable with gay people or just the lgbtqia+ people in general?"

"O- oh... No not at all, I've just lived around homophobic people so I'm not kind of used to people showing affection with their partners- like if they're the same sex... Don't take that badly! I'm... I'm gay too."

"You're cute. But thank god, I would've unfriended you right away and thrown you out of this apartment."

"Well why would've my parents basically abuse me? I've always been a top student with all A's and basically perfect."

"Your.... Can I hug you?"


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