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"But why don't you care?
I've spent the past ten years of my life making you prepared"

Renjun and Jisung were hanging out with eachother, since the other four were doing their rehearsal. Theirs was much longer for some reason. They maybe had something to add or requests for any possible stagings.

The older of the two was singing Internet Ruined Me by Wilbur Soot quietly when they were just watching the stage. It wasn't awkward, although there were those small moments when it was about to get awkward. It mostly wasn't because of the Chinese's habbit of singing randomly. It was nice that he did sing, since his voice was angelic.

Jisung had his eyes glued on someone. It was cute how focused he was on that person.

"The internet has ruined me..."

Renjun was about to say something but his phone rang. It was Sicheng, probably asking if he wanted anything from the store or if he could come to the rehearsal to bring food. There was no other choice except for answering the phone.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to ask if you want McDonald's and if me and Yuta could come stop by."

"Yeah, of course. Can I have big Mac?"

"Yes. Okay bye, I'll text you when I'm at the entrance."

It didn't take long until there was a sort of quiet bing coming from the Chinese's phone. He told Jisung where he was going and then left. When he saw the two adults outside the gate, he smiled and walked quickly to them.

The three started walking to where Jisung was. A few minutes go by and they're there. The sixteen year old was on his phone now. Donghyuck, Jeno, Jaemin and Chenle were also there, though it looked like they were exhausted.

"Hyuck you stole my spot!"

"I'm sorry. Hi adult looking people who I think are Sicheng and Yuta."

"Hello, Donghyuck. How did rehearsals go? We missed the first half but we brought food."

The guys' eyes lit up. They were all hungry and the two adults had a gut feeling that this would happen.

The whole area looked like a huge picnic, since they were outside and the people who were there had to bring their own stuff. It was cute and those were good for the games that were held later.

The teen-agers thanked Yuta and Sicheng before digging in.

"You're now my favourite even though I don't know you very well."

"What about me?"

"Aww, Injunnie don't be jealous I'm sure Hyuck loves you more than anyone of us."

"Shut up, Jaemin. Oh and gege rehearsals went fine with me."

"It went alright for us. Could have been better, the stage was pretty slippery and they had the music too silent. Other than those, it was good."

They talked a lot about different things as they ate. At one point Donghyuck wanted to have Renjun on his lap so he had taken the younger's food for bait. Let's just say that the Aries was now sulking while eating his crush's fries on his lap. Everyone was just teasing them, but in all honesty, Renjun was the only one who got flustered.

The second half of the rehersals started. Yuta and Sicheng sadly had to go, since they had something to do. When they did, Renjun had the urge to cough really hard. He did do that and it made the others worried.

"Are you alright?"

"M- mhm... I don't know what that was."

The second oldest put his hand on the Chinese's forehead. It wasn't hot, making them even more worried.

"Does your throat hurt?"

"Yeah, a bit. Not too much, though I don't think I should sing just in case it wouldn't start hurting more."

"I'll go tell the teacher. Jeno come with me."

"We can go get some water if you'd like. Even if it doesn't help, you can drink it later."

When Jaemin, Jeno, Jisung and Chenle got back, everyone holding something. Whether it was meds, water or a small box of cookies, they were going to be eaten and drunk later. Renjun, you see, had fallen asleep on the sun kissed boy's lap, with his hoodie covering his face.

"He doesn't have to participate in this half."


I would have published earlier but I thought that I published yesterday. I'm sorry. Anyways, why does this get reads this fast? This isn't normal for me.

The next chapter will be published soon I think. Either tomorrow or when I'll go to sleep :)

Good night/morning/evening/etc:
non-binary ppl
Butch ppl
neutral genders
genderless ppl
Gender expansives
Masculine of centers
Gender outlaws
Two Spirits
Polygenders and pangenders
And of course everyone else if there's something else- I Googled those heh :D

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