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"Like the amount of fucking love hearts I finish a text message with"

The day had ended up to talking in Donghyuck's room while cuddling. Renjun had asked his cousin if he could stay the night and told who he was with. It had seemed to turn out that Donghyuck's sister and mother were both away for something.

"Can we watch a movie, Renjunnie?"

"Do we have to? 'm comfortable here."

The guys were cuddling because why not. They were facing eachother, though were on different levels, Renjun was lower. This was actually his first sleepover with a friend. It was a good thing that they were neighbors because they could just go to Renjun's if something happened.

As weird as it sounded, the guys knew that something would happen. They just didn't know if it was good or not. It definitely was something that you couldn't side away.

"Do you really want to stay here and do nothing?"

"Why did you make it sound bad? I wanna stay here because I want to cuddle."

"We could watch a movie and cuddle."

"No, your attention would be on the movie."

"Does wittwe baby Renjunnie want attention?"

The younger groaned and turned back against the older. He did that to hide his blush.

"You want attention but then you turn around? It it because of what I said?"

Renjun nodded. He was pouting and there was s crimson red blush on his cheeks. This was kind of new to him, he had never gotten this kind of affection from any of his crushes. All of them were homophobic people or just didn't like him. He had never cuddled with anyone actually.

"God you're so cute..."

"Okay fine we can watch a movie or what ever you wanna do. I just want cuddles."

"Can I play video games with Jeno and this one guy named Jisung? You could sit on my lap."

The Aries said that it was okay for him and then got up. He asked where the bathroom was, so he could change his clothes.

When he came back to the room, the lights were off and Donghyuck was opening his pc. The older turned on his chair and motioning for him to come sit on his lap. As he did, he took the sun kissed guy's hand for support.

"Why are you so fucking cute?"

"Shut up, I'm not."

"I think otherwise. Are you fine sitting back against me? You can turn around if you wanna."

Renjun thought about it for a second and then turned around. He was pretty tired, they had talked about a lot of things and had fun in general. It was funny how he got so tired from only talking and joking around.

"Hey guys, are you ready to start?"



"Renjun are you tired?"


"You can go to bed if you wanna. No need to sit here. Yes, Jeno he is- shut it, not like you don't have Jae on your lap sometimes. Jisung if I were you, I'd shut the flipping fuck up because you've whined about both girls and guys chase you around yet you're doing this and not meeting people."

Renjun laid his head on the older's shoulder and huffed. It picked up on the mic. "Jeno wants talk with you." Donghyuck put the headset to the younger.


"Renjunnie! Hi! Is Haechan being nice to you?"

"Yeah, he teases me every now and then."

"Oh okay good. And by the way, the other dude in the call is Jisung, he's a year younger than you and Chenle and goes to Incheon school of arts."

"Hello. I think that we'll meet tomorrow, right?"

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