Chpt 1

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Loki x Mobius

Mobuis sat in his office looking over some files. He had loki sitting in a chair on the other side of the room with the collar on. Every time loki would attempt to stand up mobuis would simply press a button making him go back in time to seconds before when he was sitting. He knew it pissed the god off but he didn't mind to much it made him chuckle lightly.

He knew loki should be Locked up in a cell like the other variants but he liked loki. He was different and he like how he always had something to say and how stubborn he was. Mobuis didn't get to go out and ride a jet ski like he wants to or play cards with friends and have fun. He is always working. So having loki around to amuse him like his own private circus pet was what he decided to do.

Loki sat in his chair the room was warmer then normal making his long black hair stick to the back of his neck his dark brown jacket so he took it off and set it in his lap letting his mind wonder thinking about the little crush he use to have the memories when on replay in his head it was bothering him so he tried standing up and looking around for trying to walk away as he feel his body being pushed back into his chair and glare at Mobuis annoyed before deciding to do a little experiment with the collar that was tightly wrapped around his throat and tried to repeat his actions again a few times before giving up and crosses his arms looking around boredly not wanting to speak to Mobuis the tension between the two was too for even the god of chaos.

Mobuis was more entertained by Loki's attempts that he decided the next time Loki tried to stand he would let him. Something he wanted to grow between them was trust. He wanted to be able to trust Loki to walk around the room without trying to harm mobuis or escape.

He glances at Loki and sighs quietly shutting the file and opening the next one. He read the varients name and age before reading about his past and why he was in captivity. He had his hands away from the button that controls Loki but he didn't plan on using it anyway. Mobuis was wearing a suit, a black jacket with a white shirt and black tie. He had to look professional around here or nobody would take him seriously, not like loki does anyway.

Loki noticed that Mobuis had put the button away from himself at first Loki thought it was some kind of trick or perhaps a test. Loki decided to attempt standing up once more as he stood up he sat his jacket in his seat. Loki's long hair fell into his face as he bent down to place said jacket before standing straight up and tilts his head up pushing all of his hair out of his face without having to touching his hair. And began to walk around a little for a few minutes then walks around the desk behind Mobuis and read the file he was reading over his shoulder.

Mobuis notices Loki stand and doesn't even acknowledge it, he continues to read and flip through the files catching up on his reading. He glances at the variant and watches him place the jacket down, his hair makes him look more gentle and friendly. He looks back down at the file and reads about the variants parents and childhood. He feels the presence of Loki behind him and only his eyes move to look straight ahead of him at Loki's empty seat. He doesn't see the variant in any other part of the room from where he is sitting so he assumes he is behind him. When nothing happens he looks back down at his file and flips the page and continues reading. His shifts a little in his seat and taps his fingers on the desk quietly.

Loki reads the file that Mobuis was reading after a moment when it got to the part about his parents and childhood he loses interest and thinks how he could break the the tense and the silences in the room as he reach his hand out and gently taps Mobuis's left shoulder before quietly shifting to the right shoulder out of his sight of vision and smirks before doing it again this time he taps Mobuis's right shoulder then shifting to his left shoulder instead

Mobuis finishes reading about the childhood memories of the variant and flips the page once again. He starts reading about the relationships the variant had and how they went. He was distracted tho by loki standing behind him, he didn't know if he was just curious or trying to intimidate him.

He felt the tap on his left shoulder and looks up to his left but doesn't see anyone. He furrows his brows and he looks confused. He feels the tap on his right shoulder and looks to his right not seeing anyone again. Where is Loki and who is tapping me? He asked himself in his head.

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