Chpt 17

508 13 7

Mobius nods about what he first says. He keeps listening and looks a little confused at first but eventually catches on because he is kinda slow. His eyes go wide and he opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He closes his mouth and looks Loki in the eyes. "I haven't brushed my teeth since this morning" he says seriously. Like.... Seriously.

Loki chuckles at his respect and takes his left hand and uses it to lift up his chin making him look up keeping eye contact " Do you honestly think that care dear ?" Loki looks at him with a gentle yet serious look

He chuckles nervously, "well.... Ive never you know...kissed someone-" he stops talking a frown forming on his face. "Not that I remember anyway..." he says quietly. He is talking about his life before the TVA. He believes Loki when he says he had one.

Loki leans down a little and smirks" What makes you think Ive kissed anyone either I have no idea how to do this I'm just trusting my instincts but I won't kiss you unless you let me or want me to " Loki watches him

Mobius fingers graze the back of Lokis neck and his other hand runs his fingers through his hair. It felt soft and his neck was warm. He looks at Lokis lips and stares at them for a min adjusting himself in his lap a lil. He looks back up at Lokis eyes and slowly nods his head giving him permission to. He was scared he would embarrass himself but he wanted it. Before Loki can do anything he moves on his lap and straddles him instead of sitting sideways. His arms stay around his neck.

Loki felt Mobuis's hand on the back of his neck and his other making Loki hold him closer waiting for Mobuis to take his decision and after he finally saw him nods Loki thought about he wanted to go this he felt Mobuis more and noticed he was just changing how he was sitting as Loki leans up closes his eyes and locks his lips with Mobuis kissing him being as gentle as possible just in case one of them got uncomfortable

Mobius locked eyes with Loki and takes a deep breath. He sighs softly and watches loki lean in and he closes his eyes. He wouldn't lie he was nervous. His hands where shaking from his nervousness but he tangled them in lokis hair and kisses him back. He immediately felt butterflies in his stomach and moves his lips against Lokis slowly and gently. He enjoyed the kiss a lot.

Loki let the kiss last a minute or so before pulling away and smirking at him " So what's it like kissing the god of chaos for the first time " Loki said wanting to tease him he'd never admit it to Mobuis but he felt like so right kissing him and holding him he didn't want the kiss to end but hope that later there would be more

Mobius keeps his hands busy in Lokis hair for the whole time. When Loki pulls away and opens his eyes and breathes heavily obviously flustered. He has a red tint on his cheeks and meets lokis eyes. "It... it was- godly" he jokes and chuckles nuzzling his head in lokis neck. He hugs him and holds him close.

Loki chuckles at the comment and watches him get all flustered before hugging him back his other hand rubs his back " Well if you enjoyed it so much I can promise there will be more where that came from "Loki kisses Mobuis head

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