Chpt 5

999 25 3

He watched the lady and the minutemen disappear and grips Loki's hand nodding at his statement. He understood now and knew he could only trust Loki, he knew this because why would Loki tell him in the first place if he didn't care? Why didn't loki attack him when he gave him the chance? Why didn't Loki try and escape when he handed him the button? And why did Loki choose to save him then escape on his own?

Loki had officially gained Mobius trust. He looks at Loki and nods taking a deep breathe. "Yeah... let's go." He says and pulls out a different device. This device can create portals to different times on the timeline. He clenches his hand holding it tightly in case they needed it.

Loki didn't wanna let go of Mobuis's hand it just felt right to him but he didn't have time to think about what felt wrong or right as he began to walk towards the door and stop at the door only for a moment listening to walking patterns he didn't hear any so he reaches for the doorknob and open the door looks both way before walking out keeping Mobuis behind him looking for a way out

Mobuis looks at the door looking away from Loki, he didn't know where Loki sent them to but he figures they don't have much time. He let's Loki pull him along by their hands and follows closely behind. He honestly didn't mind the handholding, it felt nice as he had never experienced it before. To be honest you would think Loki's hands where rough and covered in callous from the fights he gets in but no... his hands where soft and warm. Mobuis hoped his own hands weren't sweating as that would be awkward.

He looks both ways almost like you would cross the road and follows Loki, "if you go right there's an elevator down to the ground floor" he says quietly. To be honest he didn't know where the tva was located on earth so he didn't know if there was an exit. Maybe the only way out is through a time portal.

Loki nods his head and goes to the right walking quickly keeping Mobuis close looking for the elevator his thoughts racing he was thinking of ways to get them out of the mess they were in he keep looking around him listening to his surroundings closely

Mobius follows closely and he hears someone coming up behind them. His first thoughts are... run. His second thoughts are, let Loki handle it. He thinks that because it only sounds like one set of footprints. He hears them growing closer and his free hand goes around Loki's waist pulling him into him and pushes a closet door open and pulls Loki in and watches a variant walk by.

Mobius grows suspicious of this because variants don't walk alone there is always a guard around. This variant must have escaped and is trying to leave like they are. He does know who the variant is from the look of him he's the same one from the file they where reading. He still has Loki pulled to his chest, Loki's back is kinda warm and Mobius arm is still hooked around his waist and his hand is still intertwined with Loki's.

Loki heard footsteps from behind his mind immediately went to putting Mobuis behind him or to try and ask for the collar off but before he could speak be felt a hand go around his waist he recognized the arm knowing it was Mobuis's before Loki knew it him and Mobuis were in a closet hiding he didn't say anything knowing it could give away where they were. He could feel Mobuis arm still around Loki's waist as he felt another himself blush but quickly snapped himself out of it holding on Mobuis's hand tightly but not enough to hurt him

Mobius whispers so they aren't heard as the he watches the variant sneak around. "You read his file" he whispers. He knows loki is good at tricking others or reading them so he figures if Loki read enough he could trick or get the variant to help them out. He didn't know if it would be worth it or if it would get them caught but he wanted loki to make that decision. Loki never makes the wrong decisions.

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