Chpt 7

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Loki gives him a small smile for once it was gentle not a just his normal sarcastic smile and his let got off Mobuis not wanting to but knew he had to show him the trick he click the heel of his foot ask something dropped out his sleeve and into his hand it was the blade that Mobuis had given him awhile back he had managed to get them back " You might need this later on if something were to happen but highly doubt it I'm to powerful for that"

Mobius eyes glance at his lips as he smiles and it makes him crack a small smile. His eyes go back up to Loki's eyes and then down to their hands as Loki lets go. He felt empty now without Loki touching him but didn't say anything. He watches the blade fall into Loki's hand and his eyes go wide a bit. "You kept that?" He ask quietly. "And... there's no point Loki there is no way out." He looks down at the device in his hand and clicks it and Loki's collar clicks open and he hands Loki the time portal device and leans against the wall. "There's no way out...." He says quietly.

Loki watches Mobuis shocked expression and chuckles " Of course I felt like it may come in handy one of these days and as always I was right" Loki said as his smiles turned into a frown felt the collar click but at that moment Loki could care less about the stupid collar " Don't say that do you hear yourself of course we'll find a way out or even better yet we could hide i know how to keep us hidden " Loki places the blade back into his sleeve and intertwined his and Mobuis fingers together again " We will find a way out "

He listens to Loki's voice not really hearing it. "Just go." He says coldly and pulls his hand away. He was giving up to the point he hated everyone. If it wasn't for Loki he wouldn't be in this situation and if it wasn't for Loki he wouldn't be about to die. He closes his eyes and his breathing picks up. This is all happening because he can't stand the idea of dying. He doesn't want to die

Loki looked hurt by Mobuis words and felt him pulls his hand away and what happened next not even Loki could understand as he balls his hand up into a fist and puts it above Mobuis head resting it on the wall (right hand) his other hand lifts up Mobuis's chin making him look up at him(left hand)" You're not pushing me away you hear me we are both in danger I am trying to keep you alive now let me do that"

Mobius opens his eyes and looks at Loki when he feels him lift his chin. His cheeks go red and he listens to his words before slowly nodding. "O-okai" he says quietly and puts his hand on Loki's chest. His breathing had picked up more and he was a bit flustered. "I'm sorry" mumbles quietly. He was unsure why he was reacting this way and no it wasn't from fear.

Loki watched him get flustered and couldn't help but smirk as his thumb traces his bottom lip " Don't be sorry now calm down that breathing of your we can't trick that boy with you freaking out " Loki said in a calmer tone

Mobius felt like his stomach would explode. These feelings where new to him as he had never felt them before, he didn't understand them. When Loki's finger traces his bottom lip he thought he might fall and die on the spot from how weak his legs felt. He felt like he was in a pool of jelly. He nods slowly at his statement and takes a deep breathe. "I'm fine I- fine..." he says calmer but not really

Loki watches Mobuis quietly making sure he calmed down he noticed that Mobuis looked a little weak as he lean down to listening to the man stuttering to get this words out he leaned in closer their lips were almost touching Loki gave him a look asking if he could continue his action

Mobius watches loki lean down so close to him. At first he didn't understand but then it hit him. His hand still on Loki's chest he grips his shirt and looks into his eyes. He debates it for a second asking himself if he wants it or if it's even the right time for it. Before he can decide he hears it. The door opening.... He pulls Loki closer by his shirt but not in a kiss. He flips them around and turns his back to loki looking at the door. His flustered mood now gone and his protective mode activated. He sees a gaurd pointing a weapon at him and Loki. Mobius has been in a few fights but not many. He kicks the guy in the chest and falls into Loki. The guy falls back onto the ground and the weapon falls out of his hand.

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