Chpt 10

608 16 2

Loki noticed the guard glare at Mobuis as he gives the guard a warning look and looked like he was gonna click his heel and looks at the variant " Don't worry about the other guards I'll deal with them "

The guard notices loki and looks away. He didn't want any trouble he just didn't like the idea that Mobius was a traitor.

The variant nods and sighs. He was scared he wouldn't make it out. Mobius starts walking towards the elevator and lets go of Loki's hand so he can deal with the other two and make sure they follow. Mobius pulls a card from his pocket and swipes it on the elevator opening device and pushes the button.

Loki follows behind Mobuis keeping on eye the other two still holding Mobuis's hand until he feels him pull away from his grasp so let's him still making sure to stay close so no one could hurt him while out going there Loki first

Mobius watches the elevator open and checks to make sure nobody is inside. He gives Loki a thumbs up and puts his hand on the door so it doesn't close. The guard and the variant walk over and look at the elevator door and at loki.

The guard goes inside the elevator and leans against the wall. He was watching the keypad and looking at the emergency button. The variant walks in the elevator as well and stands away from the guard. He just was scared of the guard not the other two

Loki watched until the elevator open and seen Mobuis gives him a thumbs up and looks at the other two boys and watch them get in and noticed the guard was acting off as he clicked his heel and the blade drops into his hand and speaks " Guard sense you seem to be getting cocky you're gonna stand by me or I will gut you " Loki gave a innocent smile to Mobuis" Let's go dear"

Mobius looks at the guard with a glare. He was annoyed Loki couldn't stand by him and walks into the elevator and stands by the buttons.

The guard scoffs and looks at the blade and looks away and crosses his arms. He was annoyed that he got captured. He knew it was stupid to go alone.

The variant moves closer to Mobius as he didn't wanna be near the guard. He glances at Loki pretty much saying he meant no harm

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