Chpt 9

681 16 0

The variant points to where he came from. "Over there" he says and leans against the wall with no intentions of running off. He trusted they could get him out.

The guard follows and watches them talk. He didn't plan on running of either and looks around. Mobius rubs his face just processing everything. He didn't know how to feel with these new feelings towards loki. Learning the truth about his past, learning he is a variant and trying to escape. It was all giving him a headache, to much to process.

Loki nods and takes the knife away from the guards throat and putting the blade up his sleeve again " Both of you stay here if either of you move he(Mobuis)will be the least of problems now I'll be back " Loki walks away going in the direction he was told and pulls the collar off throwing it down and sees Mobuis and walks over " you alright ?" Loki placed his hand in Mobuis shoulder looking over him

The two men nod and look at each other. They both just leans against the wall and wait not going anywhere. They had no reason to honestly.

Mobius jumps a little at Loki's touch and looks up at him. "Yeah... just a lot on my mind... did he hurt you?" He ask. He looks at his neck where the collar used to be and smiles a lil seeing it off of him

Loki felt Mobuis jump and kinda chuckles " No I'm perfectly fine they don't seem like their gonna but up a fight we should be alright " Loki said more relaxed seeing Mobuis okay he still was a lil salty he didn't get to kiss him

Mobius leans up and kisses his cheek. "Lets get out of here" he says and walks around him his hand brushing up against Loki's and he walks back towards the guard and variant. He blushes a bit realizing what he just did and wipes his sweaty hands on his coat.

Loki felt Mobuis kisses his cheek making him blushing more then he had before and tried to ignore it as he nods and begins walking back with him and watches Mobuis get flustered agian Loki would never tell anyone but he loved seeing him all flustered and helpless as he reaches over and intertwineds his and Mobuis's fingers together

Mobius walks beside Loki and squeezes his hand lightly. He was still sweaty but Loki didn't seem to mind. He walks over to the two men and sighs. "The elevator is that way" he points towards the hallway they just came from. He didn't want to boss anyone around so he decides to leave that up to Loki.

The two men look over and stand straighter. The guard seemed on edge and was watching Mobius with a glare. The variant just looks around expecting danger at any second

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