Chpt 13

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Mobius calms fully and looks up at loki resting his chin on his chest and just admires him. He was actually really beautiful...

The variant nods and huffs but looks up when the elevator stops. The door slowly opens and they have finally reached the ground floor.

Loki felt the elevator stop and felt grateful that it did he didn't like the feeling of being in an elevator it freaked him out perhaps it was just such a small space he looked down to check on Mobuis and was met with Mobuis looking at him as he smirked wanting to flirt and whispers " Stop looking so kissable my dear"

Mobius blushes and pulls away winking at Loki and looking out the door. He didn't see anyone but that didn't mean anything.

The variant stands and walks out. "I think the exit door is this way." He says walking down the hallway. Mobius steps outside of the hallway and sighs about to stop the variant from going.

Loki chuckles and watches the variant walk out the elevator giving him an are you that dumb face " get back in here before someone sees you there could be guards down here " Loki whispers to the boy crossing his arms over his chest

The variant rolls his eyes and sighs. "Look I know the way out so I'm gunna take it" he says and walks around the corner.
Mobius looks at Loki with an unsure face and starts to follow after the variant. He knew the door was a trap. The minuteman built that for anyone who tried to escape. It is supposed to be certain death.

Loki rolls his eyes and mumbles " if you died it not on us" he looked at Mobuis for a moment and shrugged before following after him letting the variant get ahead as he stayed back with Mobuis staying very close by him not taking only chances and holds his hand letting their fingers intertwined so Loki would be able to keep him close

Mobius looks up at Loki. "You dont like people do you?" He already knew the answer he just wanted to keep conversation with Loki. He saw the variant turn into another hallway ahead of them and sighs.

The variant sees the exit door ahead and smiles to himself and walks to it and looks at the handle and back towards them but can't see them because he's on a different hallway

Loki x Mobius Where stories live. Discover now