Chpt 2

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He feels the tap back on his left shoulder and turns his head to the left once again seeing nobody. "Loki quit playing games" he says realizing he's being messed with and looks to the right hoping to see Loki.

Loki watches Mobuis trying to figure out who was tapping his shoulder and before he realized that Mobuis has caught onto his little game and acts like he had no idea what the older man was talking about " I have no idea what you are talking about I'm just standing here"Loki said as he went back to reading and rolls his sleeves up and folders the sleeve at his elbow so it didn't looks so stupid 

Mobuis bites the inside of his mouth hiding a smirk. He knew loki loves playing games with his victims. One thing he hopes is that he isn't Loki's victim. Judging by Loki's folder none of his victims have survived. Mobuis closes the folder so loki can't read it anymore. "Just so you Know, there classified" he says pushing his chair back and standing. He didn't mind loki reading them he just knew he needs to do his job and keep him from knowing everything about the variants. He watches loki roll up his sleeves and leans on the table.

Loki roll his eyes and crosses his arms across his chest wanting to continue reading " Like I care if they are not like theres anything better for me to do" he notices Mobuis trying to hide a smile for him giving Loki butterflies in his stomach he had felt this way since meeting his female self and could feel a small blush creep into Loki's face but he just looks away acting as if he was just looking around.

He looks down at the files then back at Loki. He knew he could get in trouble if he let Loki read them but if he didn't know Loki read the files how could he get in trouble? He stands up from leaning on the desk and grabs the button slipping it in his pocket and walking away towards the door. "I'll be back in 15" he says and smiles to himself and walking out the door shutting it behind himself.

Loki was lost in thought trying to tell himself that he wasn't catching feelings but he just could help it as he turns back to Mobuis watching him silently and nods before slowly walking back into his seat and bends down picking up his jacket and sitting down looking smiling know why Mobuis had left and grabs his own file not wanting to give himself heartache so he began reading flipping the pages silently

Mobius walks down the hallways passing minutemen and other variants. He nodded at a few minutemen and walks to the overheads office. He goes inside and sees her look up from her spot at her desk. They smile at each other and he shuts the door.

For the next 10 minutes he talks with her and then makes his way back to his room. He wants to make it known to loki that he is there and so he talks to a guard outside his room loud enough so his voice travels inside the room and to Loki's ears.

Loki spent those ten minutes quietly reading over the file and a few times he would stop and turn his head to to the door listening to movement,walking patterns, and the voice of anyone near the room then would continue to read after a while he had heard Mobuis begin to speak with the guard outside the room so he stood up and placed the file right back where it was as if it was never moved before sitting down again pushing his black hair off his neck letting it rest in his right shoulder

Mobuis counted down from 15 in his head while talking to the guard and opens the door at 1. He walks in and sees Loki sitting in the chair and smiles to himself shutting the door after himself. He walks over setting the button down on the desk and sits in his chair. "I heard they have really good mac n cheese in Delaware, it's another stop on my list I have to make if I ever go to the real world. The other place is Brooklyn, I'm Gunna go for the pizza." He says just starting a conversation. He moves the files to the side and leans his arms on the desk looking at Loki.

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