Chpt 6

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He slowly begins to pull his arm from around Loki's waist as he doesn't want to make him uncomfortable anymore than he already is.

Loki turns his head to Mobuis listening to what he had to say before thinking about it for a moment and what were on the files before finally whispering " Yes I know how we can trick him we act like we know a way out and-" Loki felt Mobuis's arm trying to let go of his waist as Loki makes eye contact with him" don't u dare "

Mobuis looks at Loki when he turns his head to him and listens to his plan. He nods thinking it sounds good so far and when Loki stops speaking he meets Loki's eyes confused before he understands and slowly wraps his arm back around him. "Sorry....but...y-yeah sounds good" he clears his throat quietly

Loki smirks hearing Mobuis stutter finding it quite adorable but he'd never admit to it " Do you even know a way out of here?" Loki whispers leaning down a little trying to flustered Mobuis again

Mobius backs into the wall a bit still holding Loki. "No...I don't..." he says quietly and looks down feeling a bit bad as the only way out could possibly be through the time portal but they could get caught wag easier by that so if they did go through the time portal it would be best to hide in apocalypses.

Loki nods not really bothered by it he understands that Mobuis had probably never been shown a way out so that he'd never tried to leave as he stood up right " It's fine but unfortunately I have no idea how to get us out of this mess " Loki says annoyed at himself

He lays his head on Loki's back and sighs, he didn't know how to get them out either and he was afraid that either way they would die. He held Loki close and was slowly giving up.

The variant was still close and sitting against the wall taking a breather. Nobody had came down this hallway in a few minutes so he felt in the clear

Loki felt Mobuis put his head against his back and couldn't help but wanna be gentle around him but he knew now was not the time before an idea came to mind making him turned to Mobuis and whispered " Wanna see a magic trick before we trick the variant?"

Mobuis lifts his head and lets him move to face him. The door of the closet was now closed so nobody could see in or out. There was a small lightbulb above them that had the room in a dim light. He squeezes Loki's hand a little and nods looking up at him. Loki was a few inches taller Wich Mobius didn't mind.

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