Chpt 15

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The guards die easily... obviously. The portal closes as soon as Loki enters and mobuis is standing on the other side shivering. He was hugging himself and looking around. All he saw was snow.... For miles and miles. But now that they had left the TVA Loki could do whatever he wanted with his powers.
Loki felt the cold wind hit him immediately as he stepped through the portal he say poor Mobuis shivering he takes off jacket and wraps it around Mobuis as his clothes shift to what he normally would wear and it kept him warm

Mobius gave him a small smile when he wraps the jacket around him and looks at his new clothes and admired him. "Thats... t-thats cool" he stutters from the cold and nods still shaking. "Very... cool" he says and looks at the outfit inspecting it.

Loki wraps his arms around Mobuis's waist keeping him close so the wind wouldn't hit him as badly and smiles" Thank you dont worry dear I'm sure there's somewhere I can find us to hide out at" Loki closes his eyes trying to find anywhere the could hide for the night

Mobius keeps his arms in between him and Loki and lays his head against his chest and makes sure not to touch the cold metal. He was Warmer but still cold.

About 100 feet away is a small cave entrance and inside is an abandoned house. It's doesn't have much inside but then again Loki can summon whatever he wants to.

Loki after a few moments opened his eyes and looks down at Mobuis and ran his hand up and down Mobuis back " theres a house at 100 feet I can take us there with my magic so neither of us freeze to death it seems abandoned so no one will be there "

Mobius shivers from his touch this time and not the cold. "Mkay... but Loki... it's not worth it." Is all he says before shutting his mouth. He was so cold he could barely explain where he sent them.

Loki rolls his eyes " it is worth it I can makes us a fire to keep us warm or anything else we may need " Loki snaps his fingers and they appear in the abandoned house " hopefully I may be able to find something fire place or something "

He shakes his head and moves away handing Loki the time portal device. "They will find us I didn't know where to send us so I sent us to real time. That created a time warp in time letting them know exactly where we are. They will be here in minutes" he says quickly and looks at him sadly. "I told you there was no way out"

Loki looks at him and smiles " I know a few places we could hide I remember them before your party of friends decide to capture me trust me I know how to keep us hide we will lay low until they are dealt with" Loki looks at the time portal device for a moment before looking at Mobuis with a serious look" Trust me I'll keep you out of harms way "

Loki x Mobius Where stories live. Discover now