Chpt 4

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"His case is closed. He needs to be locked up, not prancing around in your office like some circus pet" she says walking forward. "Now put him in his cell or I will" she says and the gaurds behind her look ready to attack.

"Why are you so keen on having him put away? Is there something he knows that you don't want me to find out?" He asked tilting his head. "Tell me what happened to D-90" (the name of the minutemen that Sylvie showed the memories to)

She looks confused, "I told you she went crazy so we had to put her down" she says obviously hiding something. Mobuis just nods, "yeah right I forgot sorry. I'll put him away" he nods.

Loki hears the door open making his head turn and listens to the woman speak Loki suddenly felt the need to protect Mobuis from harms way he didn't know why thought as he felt the button came in contact with his hand as he slipped in his pocket without anyone noticing and rises his eyebrow when she mentioned the word hiding was he actually being hid by Mobuis he told himself to ask question later and kept on eye on Mobuis

She glances at Loki and back at Mobius. "Actually we will take him. You and me are having a talk Mobius" she says and moves out of the minutemens way. "Take him" the minutemen start to walk over but Mobius stands and moves in front of Loki. "I said... I would take him" Mobius says and she holds her hand up making the minutemen stop.

"Why are you being difficult Mobius let me take him" she says and Mobius steps forward. "I have a few more questions for him. Personal ones so if you would please-" he gets cut off by her walking over and grabbing one of the minutemens weapons and putting it under mobuis chin but it doesn't touch him. "Take him" she tells her minutemen and they walk around her and Mobius towards Loki.

Mobius doesn't move knowing he will be scorched if he does and he locks eyes with her. She looks angry and disappointed. He looks angry and annoyed.

Loki glared at the woman knowing that she was up to something but couldn't understand what it was or why she wanted to take him away from Mobuis the thought of her removing him from the older man made his blood boil as he stood up and sets his hand in his pocket and walks over to Mobuis and without thinking he intertwined his and Mobuis fingers hitting the button taking them back to where the were on their way to Mobuis office " We need to leave now" Loki said his voice was a little deep and laced with an overprotective tone

Mobius also looks betrayed as him and the woman are very close. He realizes one thing and one thing only, she must be desperate to hide something from him enough to kill him. Wich means loki is right, it means he did have a life before the tva and he had been being lied to.

When she sees Loki move she looks at him with daring eyes, if he makes the wrong move she will smite Mobius where he stand- she disappears with the minutemen when Loki clicks the button. Mobius heard Loki get up and his life flashed before his eyes for a split second before he felt Loki intertwine their fingers.

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