Chpt 18

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Mobius hums in response agreeing with that. He gently pecks lokis neck a few times and stands getting off of him. He backs away smiling at Loki before turning around looking around and stretching, he stretches by putting his arms over his head and moves on his tippy toes stretching slowly with a groan.

Loki leaned his head back a little when Mobuis was giving him a few neck kisses Loki liked how that felt on his neck before letting go of his noticing that he was getting Loki smiles happy that he was alright they were in a run down building but was good enough to keep them out of bad weather and had just essential ideas they needed

He turns and smiles a loki. "I'm free! I'm freeeee" he says tears filling his eyes. He honestly couldn't believe he was free from the TVA and could do whatever he wants. "I- I could find a jet ski and ride one on the ocean. I can go to Brooklyn and get pizza- I- I can go to Delaware and get food from there- I..." he falls on his knees and leans on his head putting his head down. Tears fell down his face.

Loki at first smiled he loved seeing Mobuis happy and was excited as he stood up and walked over listening to him talking about everything he had been wanting to do but as he sees Mobuis started crying he looked so worried and kneeled down next to him" You alright dear did something happen you were happy a moment ago "

He chuckles while crying. "Happy tears..." he mumbles and sniffles. They where indeed happy tears. Why wouldn't they be I mean he's free. He can do whatever he wants to without anyone telling him no. He slowly sits up and wipes his eyes.

Loki's worry expression faded " Thank goodness you had me worried for a moment I thought something happened " Loki quickly realized what he had said and clears his throat

He looks up at loki. "God of mischief worried?" He giggles. Licherally giggles. "Right..." he sits on his bum and just stares at Loki before bursting out laughing

Loki watches him giggling finding him adorable and let's him make fun of Loki kind of use to it Bc of Thor being foolish " are you done yet love?"

He shakes his head and  crawls over to him tackling him to the ground. "Get rid of the horns satan" he jokes as he doesn't Wanna accidentally break them or harm one of them with it.

Loki chuckles as his horns disappear and smiles looking up at him " There gone and I'm not Satan he's way weaker than me" Loki wraps his arms around his neck

To be continued...

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