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Word count: 5568 words minus bold notes. Welcome to the story called "a dangerous gamble" I'm starting to do more x reader type books, they are more entertaining, I hope y'all like the book!

Update: hello! Author here but you can call me squish, I am currently going through and rewriting/ fixing all of the chapters, I'm adding more detail and more key hints that will lead to bigger things later on in the story so bare with me as i redo these chapters.

Content warning: alcohol, gambling, cigars, cursing

The sounds of people and the car horns filled the busy night streets of Tokyo. People scurried below as they pushed and made their way through the busy crowded streets.

The smell of soba and the steakhouses filled the streets with homemade cuisine smells. Up on the tall apartment looking down on the streets sat Y/n L/n. Sitting on her window seat watching the people scurry below her. Her finger glided around her tea cup, she sat taking a sip of her F/D (favorite drink).

She sat as she looked over at the clock, she only had about 3 hours before she had to go into work. She had been working at the club since she was 17, now 22 she had been promoted to main hostess. Y/n was in charge of the late nights from now on, her coworker Erin couldn't take the late night hustles.

The job was stressful, she was a pretty girl in a club surrounded by drunk men? What could ever possibly go wrong in that situation? She sighed as she remembered the more money she made the quicker she can get out of the city and move into her dream house on the salty shores of the beach, with the ocean as her back yard.

Her and her sister had always talked about going to the sea, smelling the crisp and salty air fill their lungs, having the sounds of the crashing waves and the seagulls flying around, the lights from the boardwalk and the noise of families on vacation. That had been y/n's dream since she was a little girl, to be able to go outside and have her toes in the sand first thing in the morning.

But until then she was stuck in the busy, smelly, and bright lively streets of downtown Tokyo. She didn't mind the city life, the hectic mess had become the norm, she couldn't sleep without the sounds of people yelling, and the teenagers running from the store owners after they have broken their curfew.

Y/n sighed and picked up her phone, Nile was supposed to come over before she had to go to work. Y/n knew that tonight was his night off, but that was no reason for him to ditch his best friend before her new night shift duties. Text:"Aye, where are you? Are you still coming over?''

Nile had immediately read her message. Text:"I am sorry, I've been reading manga for the past 3 hours, I will be over soon.''

Y/n sighed and plopped her phone down on the window before turning her head to the casual alley way where she would see all the gangs meet up or stalk their next target. The alley dipped behind the corner store and took off as an intricate ways of halls between houses and business that made its way to the train station.

Y/n would always know who the gang members were, they would always be regulars at the club, some of them more then others. Lately the town has been on higher alert because there was a new gang on the rise, they had a leader who was ruthless and was sadistic, they called him the maniacal master, he was supposed to be the king of gambling.

The gang was Called Hades. They had grown in popularity in such a short amount of time that it had alarmed everyone, the regular gangs that would cause havoc and cause trouble were on high alert, they stopped what they were doing, and for once gang crime had dropped in the past few weeks.

Y/n hadn't ever heard of them at her club, yet the main hostess of the private rooms wasn't able to talk about the regulars or the gangs that were there, the hostess was sworn to secrecy and wasn't supposed to tell anyone that their were gangs in the private lounges.

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