Part 1

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I smiled thinking back to Peter and I's younger years. Ever since that day in kindergarten we've been inseparable. We've done everything together. Well that was until a few months ago.

It was strange at first. One day he was this geeky little pipsqueak kid, barely 5ft with a voice so high that almost only dogs could hear him. The next this wall of muscle, nearly a foot taller and no longer needing glasses. It was insane. I'd asked him what happened but the only thing he would say was 'uh, puberty, I guess'. But it was so much more and I knew it. 

It was extremely suspicious that this new Spider-Character shows up in Queens not long after Peter's drastic change. Someone would have to be an idiot to not put two and two together. It worried me deeply though, if my suspicion was to be correct because it meant Peter was putting himself in danger every night. I knew he wasn't an idiot and probably wouldn't do anything too stupid but it was Queens after all, and people were unpredictable. It wouldn't help my nerves when he would turn up to school with cuts and bruises he'd poorly covered up with May's concealer.

"I'm telling you she has to be the most beautiful girl in the world." I overheard Peter saying to Ned at the lunch table. I tried to ignore the pang of jealousy welling up in the pit of my stomach, but I couldn't feel that way towards Peter. Because he'd never feel the same way.

"Who's the the most beautiful girl in the world?" I sneak up from behind them, them being startled by the jump scare.

"I- uh, um-" Peter starts.

"Liz Allen. Peter has a huge crush on her." Ned answers for him, Peter kicks him under the table.

Yeah I had no chance against her. Liz was gorgeous and so smart and nice. "That's fair, Liz is awesome." I sit down.

"Y-yeah, she's awesome but I wouldn't say I have a crush on her. She's nice and pretty and everything but-"

"That sounds pretty crush-like to me Parker." I attempted a believable laughed, trying to hide the pain. "Anyway, what are we doing tonight by the way? I was thinking movie night? That new movie with Ryan Reynolds just got released on Netflix and I've been dying to watch it."

"Can't I've got the-"

"Stark internship, of course." I cut him off sighing, it was his alibi for Spiderman. "You know I don't know if I've mentioned this but I'm not a fan of this Tony Stark guy."

"You may've mentioned it once or twice." Ned laughs, knowing I bring it up all the time.

"I don't understand why, I mean he's saved countless peoples lives." Peter defends him, not an unusual occurrence.

"He could save even more lives if he would donate some of that money he has to the homeless or for the people in Africa." 

"I'm sure he donates millions every year." He continues.

"Millions is nothing to someone who makes billions." I retort. "So, Peter's out, Ned you in?"

"Well actually I was gonna start building on the Lego Death Star I bought, it's 3803 pieces, you're welcome to join."

"Hard pass, not a fan of lego, not a fan of Star Wars." I chuckle, already knowing that was going to start an argument.

"I don't understand how a person can not like Star Wars, it's the best franchise." Peter shook his head.

"The same way a person can not like Tony Stark, maybe there's a connection? And I can't believe you've had the same favourite movie since you were 6, you need to broaden your horizons man."

"Says the one who's favourite genre is 'anything by Tim Burton'." He teases.

"What can I say, I like pale people." The bell rings. "Anyway, we gotta go, can't be late to Decathlon practice. Hate for you to miss out on seeing your girlfriend Parker." 


"Next question. What is the heaviest naturally occurring element." Liz quizzed the group. I hate to admit it but I was jealous. She's perfect for Peter and I'm, well, just me. 

"Hydrogen's the lightest...that's not the question." Charles looks down embarrassed.

"Y/N?" Liz asks the question to me.

"Um, Uranium?" I reply unsure.

"Good job." She smiles. I wanted to punch her. No, no I didn't. It's perfectly fine for Peter to have a crush. At least it's on someone decent, not on someone like Molly.

"You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark." Flash's comment pulls me out of my wallowing in self pity.

"Wait, what's happening?" Asked Cindy, a question I also wanted an answer to.

"Peter's not going to Washington." Not the answer I was after.

"What? Since when Peter? You didn't tell me this?" I question, a hint of frustration in my tone, I hate being left out of the loop.

"Really? Right before nationals?" 

"He already quit marching band and robotics club." MJ states, not looking up from her book. I'm pretty sure she also thinks Peter's Spiderman. "I'm not obsessed with him just very observant."

I was pissed with Peter to say the least. I thought Washington would at least give us some time to hang out without Spiderman duties intervening but alas not. I hadn't felt this lonely since my days at the orphanage. I miss him.

Truth, Lies and Alibis (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now