Part 5

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Have you ever leaned your head on the window of a bus in an attempt to go to sleep but instead you just feel your skull shatter repeatedly for the next 2 hours?

Imagine that but without the bus, and the additional feeling your stomach is threatening to give you another taste of everything you've eaten in the past 24 hours.

That's how I felt after last night.

"Honey, you really don't look well. You should stay home." My mother tried to comfort me, feeling my forehead.

It seemed tempting however, "I can't. I have to get perfect attendance otherwise no colleges will want me, no colleges means no jobs, no jobs means I'll be on the streets, the streets mean I failed."

"You're so over dramatic." She laughs. "Well if you're convinced that that's going to happen, although it's still years before you even need to think about college and your dad and I will always support you if things go wrong anyway, you need to get up now or else you'll be late."

"5 more minutes." I mutter into my blankets.

"You said 5 more minutes, 5 minutes ago." She sighs. "If you don't get up in the next 5 seconds I'm ringing the school to tell them you're not coming in. 5."

"Mum don't." I groan.



"3...2...2 and a half...2 and a quarter..."

"Alright, alright. I'm getting up." I mumble, pulling off the blankets.

"Good girl, you should take some of that aspirin you left beside your bed." She motions to it and exits the room.

That's odd. I don't remember leaving aspirin there?

The ping of my phone brings me out of my confusion.

Peter 🤓
hey sorry i left early last night, stark thing came up.
did you get home alright, ned said you drank a lot?
you okay?

The exact events of last night are a blur. I remember drinking, a lot. I remember the thing with Molly. I remember Flash trying to hit on me and me slapping him in the face. No idea how I got home.


Spider Man said something last night about Peter. I can't remember a lot it's really foggy. But surely Peter didn't tell me his identity right? No, that can't be it. Didn't he say something about working with Peter, Peter and him being close? He said he was working with him last night, that must be what he meant by the Stark thing he texted! Maybe I've read the situation all wrong and Peter's not Spider Man, he works for Spider Man. And he can't really reveal something like that or else he'd put his job and Spider Man's safety in jeopardy. Still doesn't explain how he turned from nerdy pipsqueak into wall of muscle. Maybe Stark tried to redo the Captain America experiment? Or maybe he just did hit puberty like a ton of bricks, that's not unheard of right?

Yeah, I'm fine.
Thanks for checking.
I'll see you at school 😊

"Honey I packed you an extra peanut butter and jelly sandwich for you to have on the way to school since you're running late. Eating something might make you feel a little better anyway." Mum says heading into my room with a paper bag.

"Amazing, thank you so much." I give her a quick hug and kiss, as well as my dad in the kitchen, before I head out the door to confront Peter Parker.


"I know." I say as he shuts his locker, giving him a jump scare. "Sorry, I've always wanted to do something dramatic like that." I laugh. "But I know."

"Uh, I'm not following." He furrows his eyebrows.

"I knowww Peter. I know." I repeat, emphasis on the word 'know'.

His eyes widen, and breathing gets faster. "Y-you do?"

"Mhmm. A little birdie, and by bird I mean spider, told me that you work for him." I fold my arms. "You said you had only met him, a couple times at that. Why didn't you tell me you work for him?"

"Oh." He lets out a shakey laugh. "Because you know, he needs privacy I guess."

"Okay what I'm hearing is you don't trust me."

"No! That's not true! I do trust you!" His voice goes higher.

"Then how come you could tell Ned and not me?"

"I didn't exactly tell Ned, he found out." He shakes his head in annoyance. "Believe me y/n, you were the first person I wanted to tell."

"Really?" I ask, a little in disbelief. I thought maybe May would be the first. Although she may've thought it was too dangerous.

"Yeah. But I guess since Spider Man himself told you about it, I don't really have to lie anymore." He smiles.

"Thank god, I was dying over here because I felt so left out Ned got to know. And then you guys wouldn't talk to me. And we don't hang out anymore like we used to." I rambled, not paying attention to what I was saying.

"I didn't mean to make you feel neglected." He expression softened.

"No Pete, I didn't mean it like that-"

"No, I've been such an idiot. I should've realised I hadn't been around all that much. You deserve better than that." My heart skipped a beat, 'deserve better than that'

"You were doing something important Pete, and I can tell how happy it makes you. I don't blame you for forgetting about me a little, I can only imagine how much more interesting it would be to hang out with Spider Man." I laugh, trying to relieve some of the tension.

"I'm going to make it up to you." His expression serious.

"No, Pete, it's fine really-"

"Delmar's after school. I'll meet you there." The bell rang.


"Too late to protest. Bye." He ran off to class with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

God, I was in love with this boy.


"Hey, if it isn't my favourite customer." I was greeted warmly by Delmar.

"Hey Mr D. I'm surprised to see this place up and running so quick after the other night." I look around, not a thing out of place, almost looks brand new. 

"You'd never guess how." 


"Spider Man must've told his boss Tony 'cos his people came down here, bippity boppity boo'd it and now you wouldn't suspect a thing. Whole place is in order."

Still don't love Stark but gotta hand it to him, this looks great. "That's amazing."

"So where's your boyfriend?" He begins

"He's on his way, I think, he said he'd meet me here." I looked at my phone, it was only 3.37. 

I talked to Delmar, or more listened to Delmar, he's a very talkative person. But at least a talkative interesting person. I tried to pay attention as much as I could but in all honesty I was just so excited to finally hang out with Peter again, just like old times. There was so much I wanted to ask him about. 

"So when's that boy showing up?" He asked, I only just noticed it had been a while.

"Uh, I don't know. I would've thought he'd be here by now." I checked my phone, I hadn't received any texts or calls from him. Did he forget? No this was his idea he wouldn't forget. Right?

"If he stands you up I'm going to punch him."

"I don't think that will be necessary." I laugh. "It's only been half an hour I'm sure he just got caught up after school or something."

Delmar seemed unamused, he was always quite protective of me. But we went back to talking.

An hour went by, then 2. And I felt like an idiot waiting around for someone I knew wouldn't show.

I was stood up.

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