Part 13

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"Whilst what y/n just pointed out isn't exactly false Mrs Warren, she completely missed how mass cancels out, so really it's just gravity times sin." His annoying voice spoke.

"I didn't miss that part, you just cut me off." I reply bitterly.

"Oh, right sure you did." He rolls his eyes sarcastically.

"Enough Peter. But yes, the formula is gravity times sin." She writes on the board.

He gave me a mocking look before turning back to the front. It kinda made me laugh, the fact that he was back to hating my guts, having no idea he spent all of last night with me and begged me to join forces with him. I wasn't going to team up with him, I wasn't that stupid. But it had crossed my mind how I could maybe actually find out the real reason he dropped me from his life if I was to get close to him as Split. But it was too risky.

"Y/n y/l/n?" I heard my name called, I snapped my head to the front. One of the office ladies, Ms Lynch, came to get me, that's odd?

"Uh, yeah Miss?" I ask confused.

"Follow me please."

The whole class 'oohs' like 5th graders, I knew I wasn't in trouble though, I hadn't done anything. I rolled my eyes at them as I left, walking with her up to the office. She was a mean old lady and was never one for talking. That only left me with my thoughts, and I had no idea why I was being called to the office, I never had been before.

When we got to the office there was a man standing there I didn't recognise, he was probably there for a seperate reason.

"You're free to go." Ms Lynch grumbled. I gave her a confused look.

The man held the door open for me. Oh no, I was going to be kidnapped. Who the hell was this guy? Had someone figured out my identity? I tried to play it cool, I didn't want Ms Lynch to get suspicious, besides I was sure I could take this guy if I had to. I had to find out what he wanted first.

I walked out the door, following the man to a limo parked out front. He held the door open for me, I reluctantly got inside, pulling out the knife I left in my jean pocket. I watched carefully as he walked around to the drivers seat and hopped in. Pulling the knife on his throat.

"Who in the hell are you? Where in the hell are you taking me? Who do you work for?" I immediately ask, not letting on how scared I was in this situation.

"Woah, okay. I'm Happy Hogan. I'm taking you to Stark Tower. And I work for your father." He replies with his hands up. 

"Of course." I groan and remove the knife. "Didn't I talk to you on the phone once? And you hung up on me? In a life or death situation?"

"Not my proudest day at the office let me tell you that." He starts the car.

"You know there's no point in leaving right? I'm just gonna jump out this car, I don't wanna see Tony." 

"I mean you could do that, but Tony's gonna find you eventually so you may as well get this over with." He reasons.

"Ugh, I guess you're right." I throw by head back and fold my arms.


"Only if it's something a 43 year old depressed dad of 2 would listen to."

"Uh, very specific but I think I can work something out."


"'Sup Marge? John?" I walk through front reception, earning many puzzled looks. "Gary, how the kids doing my guy?" 

"What are you doing?" Happy grabs my arm. "Do you even know these people?"

"No." I shrug. "Thought it'd be fun."

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