Part 12

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I don't want to be around you anymore

Words I never thought I would have to hear, not from Peter.

I couldn't get up all weekend, I just laid on my bed. Surrounded by tissues and empty ice cream containers.

I don't want to be friends with you, I don't want to know you.

My heart tinged, it hurt so bad. His face, his voice, it all replayed in my head. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. I didn't care that he rejected me, that he didn't want to be in a relationship. I could live with that. But living without my best friend? That was something that would be much harder.

I just didn't understand, what made him decide to throw away 10 years of friendship?

Forget me.

Forget him. I couldn't, I could never. 

But, I could get revenge.

I sat up in bed, tossing my cup of Ben and Jerry's on my bedside table. I stood up, looked myself in the mirror. I had changed, drastically, in appearance. Why couldn't I also change drastically in personality? No more taking bullshit. No more assholes. No more Peter Parker.

I slipped on some black clothing, sneakers and a backpack and snuck out of apartment. I had powers, I was determined to fine out how to use them.


The next two weeks I discovered I had super-speed, super-strength, enhanced agility and fighting ability, heightened senses and reflexes, and most importantly and thankfully high pain tolerance and accelerated healing. My super speed was probably the most impressive, I ran from Queens all the way to LA in under 30 minutes, I wasn't even tired. I could run across water and I could run up building walls, I was faster than gravity could react.

After I had worked this out I had begun to test my powers out. Mostly on petty criminals and burglars. All successful attempts, none were seriously injured... seriously.

I made myself a suit, complete with a mask, bulletproof steel vest and a few sets of knives, I found I preferred knives to guns. It was fine, but it could definitely be better.

"Dude, I can't believe Stark tower actually got broken into." I overheard Ned say to Peter, showing him an article on his phone. We were sitting together at the lunch table, it had been an intense argument between Peter and I over which of us had to leave the group. Both of us were too stubborn to move, arguing that we still had a right to be friends with MJ and Ned. MJ and Ned soon got sick of this and both agreed to refuse to sit with either of us until Peter and I agreed to put our differences aside and sit together at the group. Still didn't stop the arguments though.

"I know, Stark must be pissed." Peter replies.

"Who cares, he's probably got millions of whatever they took." MJ interjects.

"Still doesn't make it right to steal." Ned points out.

"Would probably cost him nothing in the scheme of things." I shrug, knowing full well it would bring up an argument with Pete.

"What you're defending this shit too?" Peter shakes his head. "What if that person intends to use it for the wrong stuff. Like that Vulture guy."

"What if they stole it to do good stuff? Did you ever think of that?" I fire back.

"And why would someone do that?" He chuckles mockingly. "Honestly y/n sometimes I don't think you think."

"Peter that's enough-" Ned tries to stop the argument.

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