Part 7

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Each morning I seem to be waking up with a new emotion. Todays; fear.

Peter hadn't come down to the pool party last night. In fact, he didn't come back at all. Ned tried to cover for him but it wasn't long until Mr Harrington realised that Peter was missing in the morning. Everyone had tried calling, texting, facetime, but nothing. 

"Shouldn't we call the police?!" I ask Mr Harrington concerned, I seemed to be the only one.

"I'm sure Peter's fine. Everyone just stay calm, he'll turn up at the hotel later." He said unconvincingly. "Everyone on the bus."

"We're going to lose." Cindy said pitifully.

"I don't appreciate that negativity." Harrington warned. "Flash you're back on the pannel."

"We're definitely going to lose now." Abe mumbled.

I couldn't pay any attention to Liz's last minute quizzing. I was so worried. I tried calling his phone again a number of times, no response. What if he was hurt or lying dead in a ditch somewhere? I just needed to know if he's okay. It's not like Peter to pull a stunt like this.


All of our fears about losing the decathlon seemed to be for no reason because we absolutely smashed it. 

"Woo hoo! We won!" Flash cheers as we head to the Washington Monument, not that he was a particular help in the matter of winning.

"Heard anything from Peter?" I ask Ned, putting my items on the conveyer belt.

"No. But don't be worried, Peter's smart remember?" His phone interrupts him. "That's him now."

My heart skipped a beat, at least he's not dead. Not yet at least because I'm going to kill him.

"Don't worry it's safe in my bag." I hear him say. 

"Is that Peter." Liz snatches the phone, I wish I had the chance before she did. "You flake, you're so lucky we won."

"Is he okay? Where was he?" I ask Ned.

"Yeah, yeah he's fine. Just an act of teenage rebellion."

I can feel my blood boil. I can't believe he really just took off for some shits and giggles, what an ass. What would May think? Better yet what would Ben think? What was he thinking? So much anger and frustration was playing around in my head I couldn't pay attention to what the lady in the elevator was saying, even less so to Ned's glowing bag.

A lazer like the one at Delmar's struck the ceiling and created a massive hole. This did not look good. 

"I know that was scary but our safety systems are working." The lady tried to reassure us, to no avail. "We're very safe in here."

That was just not true, the lady and the guards above us were only able to get out a few people before the elevator broke from its hinges and began to fall. It was the most terrifying thing in the world. Ned and I held onto each other, if we were going to die at least I was with a friend. Suddenly something held onto the elevator, holding it in mid air. Everyone in the elevator looked around puzzled in a split second of relief. Until we started falling again, resting on a beam, then a familiar figure fell through the roof, making us fall again.

He shot a web to the ceiling and jumped up to the remaining roof of the elevator. We were saved.

"Hey how you doin'. Don't worry 'bout it I gotchu." The man in red said, I was too stunned to say anything in reply.

"Yes, yes!" Ned shouted in joy, rocking the elevator.

"Hey, hey big guy. Quit moving around."

He was able to bring us to the top, Harrington, Ned and Liz all made it out. I was paralyzed with fear and couldn't move. Everyone, especially Spider Man who seemed to be struggling, was telling me to move but I just couldn't manage to put one foot in front of the other. The section of the roof Spider Man was standing on gave in and suddenly I was free falling. 

My life flashed before my eyes, thoughts of my parents how I loved them and never got to thank them for always being there, never getting to know my biological parents, never seeing Ned or MJ again, never getting to tell Peter how I really feel.

He shot out a web and it grabbed my hand, leaving me to dangle. "You're okay. You're okay." He pulled me up and grabbed me by hand. The people above helped me get up to safety. I was alive.

I turned around to face my saviour, he was already staring. "So, uh, is everyone okay?"

I nodded, he remained there upside down. Even though he was wearing a mask, I could tell his eyes were trained straight on me. I meant to say something, a thank you, but his webbing broke and he fell down the shaft.

"Are you really friends with Peter Parker?"


I sat alone while we all waited for the bus to arrive, processing the events of the last few hours. They'd found Peter back at the hotel, naturally everyone started yelling at him for ditching and about how he wasn't there for the crazy event at the Washington Monument. I stayed silent.

I'd been too deep in my thoughts and not noticed he'd come up beside me. "Hey, a-are you okay? I heard about what happened." He approached sheepishly.

"Am I okay?" I retort, no longer allowing myself to pretend I'm not upset. "Am I okay?! No. No I'm not okay Peter! I could have died! And you were no where to be found!" 

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it Peter! I was worried about you! I am worried about you!" I ranted, people at the front of the bus looking at us, I didn't care anymore. "But you don't seem to be even the least bit concerned about me."

I know he was probably out doing work for Spider Man and it was probably important but didn't mean he constantly had to lie to me and bail on everyone. I could tell my words hurt him, but that was the point. I was tired of hurting, I wanted someone else to for once. 


"Front of the bus Parker." Harrington interrupted. "We need to talk."

"Go." I sighed, quite glad for Harrington for once. "I don't want to speak to you right now anyway. I want to be mad at you for a while."

I couldn't look at him right now, I knew he was torn by what I said but frankly I didn't care. It was embarrassing for me to always be the one going to fix the problem, he was going to have to do that for a change.


"Mum! Dad!" I embraced them immediately when I got off the bus.

"You're okay!" Mum breaths a sigh of relieve.

"We were so worried about you." Dad continues.

"I love you guys. I just, I really need to tell you that." I watch them smile and eyes start to water. "I'm so lucky you chose to adopt me."

"We're so lucky we have you." Dad kisses the top of my head. "Now I'm going straight to your teacher to teach him a lesson."

"No Dad, wait." I tried to stop him. "What can you do?" I laughed to my mum.

"Nothing." She shook her head amused. "Come on, let's get you home." She wraps her arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. 

As we walk to the car I catch sight of Peter and Aunt May, he's eyes lock with mine and I can see the guilt within him. There was part of me that liked that. I liked it a lot.

Is anyone actually reading this or am I writing to myself LOLLLLLL

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