Author's Note

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Hey, welcome to my new story. Was having a bit of writers block with The One Who Got Away so decided to take a step back from it tonight and start on a new idea. Don't worry, will be going back to it shortly, just thought I'd write the prologue of this new idea and see how it goes.

It starts off in the summer break of 2020. COVID 19 doesn't exist in this world, so the Formula 1 calendar would have followed its normal pattern.

Seb has just come out of a long term relationship but has never married or had children.

Some of the other drivers' may end up being different when we reach the 2021 season. Well one will for sure. You can probably guess who. Yeah. That one.

Bare in mind this one will not be updated as often as my other ongoing story. This one is to fill some time when I need a break from the other one.

Please let me know what you think. It's always nice to hear your comments. So yeah, here we go.

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