12: Mutual Satisfaction

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Lucie woke as the sun was starting to rise. She rolled over and smiled as she remembered the previous night. She opened her eyes and looked at the naked man laid next to her. Wow, what a night! Now she just had to find the energy, and the will, to get up for work.

Seb laid his arm over her hip and snuggled closer, imprisoning her in his embrace. Yeah, that was going to be more difficult than she thought. She was so close to calling in sick, something she only ever did if Freddie was ill. She just wanted to stay here, in this bed, with him, forever.

She tried to lift his arm off of her but he wouldn't relinquish his grip. She was going to have to wake him up.

"Seb,"she called, softly, shaking him gently. "Seb, wake up. I have to get up for work."

"Lucie, I don't want to," he mumbled, sleepily. "I want to hold you like this all day."

"Seb, come on. I need to get ready." Seb opened one eye and looked at her, a dopey grin on his face.

"Do you have to? Can't you throw a sickie?" Lucie laughed. She was even more tempted now. His hand slid down to her bum, squeezing her buttock.

"We could have a repeat of last night," he whispered sexily in her ear.

Last night. Wow, remembered Lucie. What a night that had been! She cast her mind back to what had happened when they'd arrived back from the picnic...


The Previous Night

Lucie locked the front door behind them. She turned around and Seb was waiting. He grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her towards him. He slammed his lips down on hers and kissed her with an urgency she had never felt before, not even with Callum. It was as if he was trying to devour her.

His hands were all over her body, touching,teasing. Her mind was already blown and they were both still fully clothed!

"I need you naked now!" he growled. Lucie slipped from his hold and quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed the box of condoms out of the drawer. Then she grabbed Seb's hand and led him up the stairs.

Once inside her bedroom Seb pulled her back close to him. He slid her dress straps off of her shoulders and pulled it down, sliding it over her hips until it slid to the floor, leaving her standing there in just her tiny little lace panties.

Seb felt his heart racing. He had never ever been so desperate to possess a woman. He wanted to make her his.

Lucie began undoing Seb's shirt buttons, pressing her lips to his neck. Once she undone them she pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and it joined her dress on the floor. She pressed her lips to his chest, and then she ran her tongue over his right nipple, followed by his left one.

His fingers hooked the side of her panties and he yanked them down, ripping them in process.

"Sorry," he laughed.

"I don't care, don't stop," she gasped. They collapsed onto the bed, kissing and running their hands all over each other. Seb jumped up and quickly removed his shorts.

Lucie watched him, captivated by the sight of his tented boxers.

He stared at her intently. He placed his hand over his bulge. "You want this?"

Lucie felt so turned on, her pussy was pulsing with need. "Yes," she stammered.

He slowly eased his boxers down over his hips and his cock sprang free. Lucie gulped. It looked huge!

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