26: The Next Day

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A/n sorry about the shit chapter title. Sat thinking and thinking and just couldn't think of anything halfway decent.

Lucie woke and smiled as she remembered how they'd spent the previous night.  A small part of her felt ashamed that she'd fallen into bed with Seb so easily, but then again, why shouldn't they enjoy each other whilst they had the chance?   It didn't mean they were getting together. 

Seb was spooning her from behind, his arm draped over her.  Lucie had no idea if he was awake or not.  Possibly not as she was sure that he must have exhausted himself. Four times in one night must have taken it out of him.  And they'd only eventually stopped because they'd run out of condoms.  They just couldn't get enough of each other.

She needed the toilet though so she had to try and get out of his hold.  She lifted his arm up and tried to wiggle out but he tightened his grip. He didn't want to let her go. 

"Seb," she called.  "Seb, I really need the loo."  Seb mumbled something in German but she had no idea  what he'd said.  He still wouldn't release her.

"Seb!" she said, louder this time. 

"Hmmm?" he said, slowly pulling himself into a sitting position.  "Lucie."   He reached a hand out and stroked a finger down her cheek. 

"I'll be back in a minute.  I really need the toilet," she said.  She slid out bed, pulling Seb's discarded T-shirt over her head.

"Spoilsport, I was enjoying the view!"  Seb said, sleepily.  Lucie laughed as she padded into the bathroom. 

She returned a couple of minutes later. Seb was laid on his back, propped up on his pillows. She slid back into the bed and into his waiting arms.  He held her tightly to him, her head resting on his chest. 

"So I thought we could have breakfast out, I know a nice little cafe.  Then we could have a drive.  I'll show you some of my favourite places."

"Sounds good, but so does staying in bed all day."

"But we have to go out if you want me to make love to you again.  We need to...um....replenish our supplies."

Lucie laughed as he turned slightly red. She loved this bashful side of him. She just loved every side of him to be honest.

She lifted her head and stared into his eyes. She reached out and lay her palm on his cheek.

"I love you," she whispered.  Seb felt hope surge up inside him.  This could work.  He could persuade her to give them a chance.   He kissed her head.

"I love you too baby.  I love you too."

"Oh what a day," Lucie exclaimed as they arrived back later that night. 

After having breakfast at the cafe that Seb had mentioned he'd taken her for a drive in his jet black Aston Martin Vantage.  The scenery was amazing.  She decided it might just be her second favourite place in the world behind the island. 

She placed her shopping bag on the counter in the kitchen.  Seb followed her with a few bags of his own.

"Ah but did you enjoy yourself?" he asked, putting the bags down and slipping his hands around her waist.

She put her arms around his neck and smiled. 

"Brilliant.  It is beautiful here."   He lowered his head and kissed her softly. 

"Glad you came?"

"No complaints so far," she teased. 

"Ok so I think we should sort some dinner out, then we can curl up and watch a movie, either on the sofa or in bed."

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