42: Back Home

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It had taken Lucie a week to find the courage to tell Joel about the baby. She'd waited until Freddie was at school one day.

She'd no idea how to tell him so had just blurted it out. He'd gone nuts at her, asking if she knew what contraception was. He'd called her irresponsible and walked off. He hadn't spoken to her for two days.

At the end of the second day Lucie had ended up crying her eyes out after a particularly bad day of morning sickness. She'd curled up in bed once Freddie was asleep and cried softly to herself. She was missing Seb and missing Joel and everything was just too much for her.

Her door slowly opened and Joel crept in. He climbed onto the bed next to her and took her into his arms.

"It will be ok Luce," he reassured her. "This one will be just as loved as Freds. Uncle Joel will teach him or her to support McLaren. None of this Aston Martin business. I've been there for you before. I'm here for you now. I was just shocked.  You know I've got your back.   Ok tell me.  What did Seb say? Is he going to be there or do I have to hunt him down?"

"He said we could get married and live in Switzerland."


"I said no.  I'm never marrying again.  And I can't just drag Freddie to Switzerland.   He also talked about moving here.  He definitely wants to be involved.  In fact I think he's accepted this better than I have.  I feel nothing Joel.  I just don't know how I can love another baby as much as I love Freddie."

"Lucie, don't talk rot. You will.  I know you will."

"Why aren't I excited then?"

"I don't know Lucie but I expect it's the shock. You've just started a relationship and this has been thrown at you straight away. It's only natural to feel a little bewildered by it all."

"I have to make a doctor's appointment. Seb won't be here until after the end of the season. Will you come with me? I'm too scared to tell Mum yet."

"Of course I will. You realise the doctor will probably think I'm the dad though."

Lucie laughed. "See, got you laughing. You'll be alright sweetheart. You've got me. You've got Seb. We will look after you."

Lucie snuggled up closer to Joel. She hoped he was right, but she couldn't shake the doubt that had grown inside her. Could she love this baby? Would Seb change his mind and walk out on her? She guessed only time would tell.


"Ok Lucie by the date of your last period you have a provisional due date of 25th May, so you're nearly 16 weeks pregnant. Of course, that could change when you have your ultrasound.  I will call and get you booked in at St Mary's for a dating scan. I can do that now if you're not in any rush."

"Thank you Doctor Murphy."

The doctor picked up the phone and dialled a number.  After several minutes on the phone, he hung up.

"Ok so Thursday morning at 11.50.  I'll get the practice midwife to give you a call.  You'll alternate appointments between her and myself from now on.  Her name is Gemma Dalton.  Good luck. And congratulations to both of you."

"Oh Joel's not the father. He's my best friend.  The father is away with work at the moment."

"My apologies.  I'll see you soon."

Lucie and Joel headed back outside to walk back down to the seafront where they were planning on having fish and chips. 

"So 48 hours and you'll see your baby.  Are you excited?"

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