50: Their New Home

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"Seb, I'm not an invalid!" Lucie complained, as he lifted her feet onto the sofa and laid a fleece blanket over her. 

"Don't argue Lucie.  You've been through a traumatic experience and I want to look after you.   Humour me.  I love spoiling you."

"Ok," she reluctantly agreed, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer. 

He disappeared upstairs and quickly returned with his laptop.  He sat on the floor near Lucie and opened the laptop. 

"What are you doing?" she asked him. 

"Well I thought we could have a look and see  if there's any suitable houses up for sale.   The sooner we find somewhere, the sooner we can have it adapted to our needs, and the sooner we can move.  It would be nice to be settled before this one comes along," he said, reaching up and rubbing Lucie's bump.

"Sit up here with me, it will be easier."  She sat up and patted the sofa next to her.  He stood up and joined her. 

They began searching on a popular house selling site and soon Seb had spotted three houses that he thought were a possibility.    He mentioned them to her. 

She vetoed house number 1 immediately. 

"No way.  That house is well known for being extremely haunted."

Seb laughed. "You don't believe in all that nonsense do you?"  She nodded earnestly.

"There's a haunted room at the hotel.  It's always colder than the rest of the place and a baby has been heard crying in there  early some mornings by the chambermaids, when there's been no guests on that floor. "

"Ok, ok. Not that one.  How about this one?"

"I'm not sure. It looks like it needs a lot of work doing to it.  It would take a long time. If you've really got your heart set on moving before the baby is born then that one may not be the one. Plus it's a little further from Sandown than what I'd like."

Seb nodded his agreement. He loaded up the page on the third house.

Lucie fell silent.

"Let me guess? You don't like it."

"I love it Seb. That's literally my dream house."

Seb read the description out loud.

"Five bedroom remote farm house. 3 reception rooms. A large kitchen. Large garden. Stable block. A pond. I like it. Plenty of room. We could have the stable block converted to a garage. There's room for a pool. It would need security fences all the way round and gates but that's no problem. I'll email the estate agent and arrange a viewing if you want?"

"Absolutely," she said, enthusiastically.  Seb sent an email and was surprised when he had an answer within ten minutes. 

"The agent said we can view it tomorrow morning if that's convenient for us?"

"That's perfect.  About ten?"

He emailed back and it was soon confirmed that they'd meet the agent, Ian, at the property at ten o'clock the following morning. 

It didn't take them long to reach the farmhouse.  It was only a couple of miles outside Sandown.  It was a bright but very chilly morning.  Seb had to defrost the car before they could move. 

Once they got there they waited in the car for the agent to arrive.  Dead on ten o'clock, a red BMW pulled up behind them. 

They got out of the car and waited for the agent to approach.  He got out of his car and headed towards them.  He held his hand out, shaking both of them by the hand. 

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