40: Reactions

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A/N Ok, just want to say I'm not happy with this chapter. I really struggled with it. I tried to make it better but I'm just not happy with it. Decided to go with it in the end. I hope it's ok

"Pardon?" Lucie said, certain that she must have misheard.

"You're pregnant."

"That's impossible. Didn't you hear what I said? I had a period."

"Both tests have come back with a positive result.  It does happen. Was your period any different to normal?"

"Yes, it was a lot lighter and very crampy."

"That can happen.  Now I'd suggest you make yourself a doctor appointment as soon as you return home."

"But I can't be pregnant. We only had unprotected sex once, and I took the morning after pill."

"That is only 95% effective I'm afraid."

"But..." She turned to look at Seb, who had been silent since the doctor's diagnosis. His face had drained of colour.  "Seb, I..."

"I'll leave you two to talk."  The doctor left.  Lucie started sobbing.  It couldn't be true. 

"So that's why you flew out here," Seb said.


"So you could palm your baby off as mine!  I'm not fucking stupid Lucie.  Who's the dad? Who've you been fucking?"

"Seb, how can you say that? There's only you.  I love you!"

Seb stood up and started pacing, running his hands through his hair.  "Shit!" he said, panicking. "Lucie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.  How did this happen?"

"So I really need to tell you the facts of life?"  She gave a wry laugh.  "What the hell are we going to do?"

"There's not a lot we can do now is there?  What's done is done."

"Seb, you don't get it! I can't have another baby.  I have Freddie, I have the hotel.  You have your career.  I'm the one that's going to be stuck raising another kid alone."

"You don't have to be alone.  Marry me Lucie. Move to Switzerland with me and we can be a family.  You ,  me, Freddie and our baby."

Seb hadn't planned on proposing, if that could even be called a proposal, but as the words left his mouth he knew he wanted to marry Lucie more than anything in the world. It might be early days in their relationship but he knew how he felt about her.

"No!" Lucie gasped, horrified. "I'm sorry Seb but I will never marry again. I've been there, done that."

Seb felt hurt. Did she not love him like she said she loved him?

"Lucie please, I love you. I know we didn't t plan this baby, but it's a blessing. And I'm sorry for what I said. I wasn't thinking. We can be a family."

Lucie shook her head vehemently. "We don't need to marry to do that Seb. This is the 21st century."

Inside Lucie was on the verge of breaking. She didn't know which way to turn. Another baby. How would Freddie react? How would her mum react? What would happen about the hotel? There were so many things going around in her head and she was so scared.

"I don't want a baby Seb. I can't. I have responsibilities."

"So what are you saying Lucie? Get rid of it?" he said, angrily.

"No, I don't know. My head is messed up Seb. I need time to process this."

"Talk to me then Lucie. You are not alone. This is my kid too. Jesus, I can't believe this. I only just got you, and now this."

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