55: Welcome Home

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Lucie snuggled down underneath the covers.  She had a smile on her face. Seb had only gone and won in Saudi Arabia too!   But that was not the main reason for her smile.  She was smiling because tomorrow he would be coming home.  Tomorrow evening he would be back in her arms.  She winced as the baby gave her a kick that was little closer to Lucie's rib cage than Lucie liked.

She turned over, struggling to find a comfortable position. She could t wait for the baby to be born now. She was fed up.

Finally,  tiredness won and she fell asleep, a smile still on her face.


Seb stood out on deck, looking at the island appearing on the horizon. He was nearly home. He couldn't  wait to see Lucie. He longed to hold her, to kiss her.

He pulled his phone out and tapped out a text to Joel.

Seb: On the ferry now. Can't wait to see her face. Are you definitely ok to pick Freddie up from school later?

Joel must have had his phone in his hand as his reply was within seconds.

Joel: I'm sure. I'll take him bowling, and for McDonald's. You enjoy some time with Lucie. She's going to be so thrilled to see you. She  has no idea you caught a late night flight.

Seb: I just couldn't wait any longer. I know I'm only like 9 hours earlier than I would have been, but I wanted to surprise her.

Joel: I'm just leaving now to go into town, so you'll have the place to yourself until about 6.30-7 tonight.

Seb: thanks mate. See you later

He continued watching the island grow bigger. Not much longer to go til he was back where he belonged.


Lucie crossed the kitchen to replace the milk in the fridge. She thought to herself how she was starting to waddle like a duck. She picked her cup of tea up and went back into the lounge, placing it on a coaster on the coffee table. Then she sat down. Seb would be in the air by now.

She shut her eyes for a minute, she was so tired. Only the minute turned into longer as she fell asleep.

She didn't hear the car pull up on the drive. She didn't hear the key slot into the lock and turn.

Seb opened the front door. It was quiet, very quiet. He hoped she hadn't gone out for a walk. Her car was there so she hadn't gone far. He left his case in the hallway and entered the lounge. He stopped in his tracks as he saw her fast asleep on the sofa.

He smiled, his eyes filled with love. She looked so beautiful, her blue dress pulling tight over her bump. He noticed straight away how much her bump had grown. He'd missed so much.

He crossed the room and knelt on the carpet in front of her. He reached a hand out and brushed his index finger over her cheek.

"Lucie," he murmured. She gave a little moan in her sleep.

Lucie knew she must be dreaming. She heard Seb saying her name. She tried to pull herself from her sleep but she just couldn't open her eyes. She felt something on her cheek. Were Joel and Freddie back already? Surely she couldn't have slept that long!

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