57: Early Arrival

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Lucie dialled Seb's number again.  He still wouldn't answer. Another pain tore through her.  She cried out. The contractions were only three minutes apart  now.  Where was he? She couldn't do this on her own. She needed him.  She tried Joel's number. That went straight to voicemail. Falling to her hands and knees, she breathed her way through it.  After it had passed she dialled again. Ring after ring after ring.  Voicemail. Where the fuck was he?

She rose to her knees and took her phone in her hand. She didn't have any other choice. She had to ring for an ambulance.


Seb sat in his car staring out at the ocean. His phone lay face down on the passenger seat. He'd switched it to silent. He didn't want to talk to her right now. How could she accuse him of such things? Deep down he knew that she was just hormonal and feeling a lack of confidence in herself.

She couldn't see herself the way he saw her. To him she was and always would be the most beautiful woman in the world. All she saw was the weight she'd put on.

He knew he'd have to head back soon but he was still upset. He didn't want to end up in another fight. He'd driven all over the island, finally ending up at Compton Bay.

He was so tired. He shut his eyes, not meaning to fall asleep but when he opened his eyes again he realised another hour had passed.  He'd been gone for four hours now. He picked his phone up. He noticed 15 missed calls from Lucie, and 8 texts.

Lucie: Seb I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me. You're right. I overreacted. I do trust you. I love you. Please come home xx

Lucie:  Seb please.  I really didn't mean it. Xx

Lucie: I love you xx

Lucie:  please talk to me xx

Lucie:   Seb please come home ASAP. I need you xx

Lucie:  Seb, where are you? Im getting worried now.  Xx

Lucie:  You need to come home  NOW ! Xx


"Shit!" Seb cursed, quickly straightening himself up in his seat and starting the engine. He tore out of the car park, chucking up gravel as he went.

He had to get to Lucie. He had to be with her. He couldn't let her down. He drove as fast as the speed limit allowed him.  Sometimes he even exceeded it.   

He was going to get there.  He had to get there.  There was no other option. 


Lucie cried out in pain as another contraction hit her.  The ambulance was on it's way but she'd been told there was an hour's  delay.  She hoped she could hold on that long.  The contractions were so close together now and she was feeling a lot of pressure. She knew she was close to pushing.

She had to face the fact that she might be delivering this baby by herself. 

She would later wonder how she'd stayed so calm.   Between contractions she'd fetched some towels and put by the side of the bath.  Then she'd opened the security gates and left the front door unlocked for the paramedics. 

Finally she'd removed her leggings and underwear and climbed into the empty bath.  She was ready now if this baby decided it wasn't going to wait any longer.

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