59: Reality Bites

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Lucie snuggled down underneath the covers.  She was just drifting off to sleep when Sofia began crying.  Again.  This was the fourth time in two hours.  Lucie threw the covers off of her and went to Sofia's crib. She gently picked the crying infant up. 

"Hey baby girl, what is it?"  She settled back into bed, offering her breast to the baby.  Sofia ignored it and carried on screaming.  Obviously not hungry, Lucie thought.  She held Sofia over her shoulder and gently rubbed her back.  Perhaps it was wind. 

"Please Sofia, stop crying," Lucie sobbed.  She was beyond tired.  She looked at Seb's side of the bed.  It was empty.  He was away in Monaco at the moment. 

She missed him so much.  Sofia seemed to be missing him too.  He'd popped back after Spain for literally two days and she'd settled for him easily.  She was definitely a daddy's girl. 

She lay Sofia down on the bed and checked her nappy.  It was still clean and dry. 

"Maybe you're just missing Daddy.  I know the feeling kid."   Still, he'd be home in two days.  He was coming home straight after the race on Sunday.  Then he'd be with them for nine days before having to fly to Baku. 

Still Sofia cried.  Lucie was at her wits end.  She didn't know what to do.  Freddie had never been like this.  He'd been such an easy baby.  She picked her up again and held her, gently rocking her.  She began to sing a lullaby. 

It did the trick.  Soon Sofia was fast asleep.  Lucie sighed with relief.  She gently lay her down in her crib. 

Then she laid back down, turned the lamp off and left just a small plugin night light on.  She closed her eyes. 

"Wahhhhh!"  went Sofia. 


Seb drove off of the ferry.  He was nearly home.  He couldn't wait to spend some family time.  It had been heartbreaking leaving them when he'd travelled to Spain.   Leaving Sofia that first time had been so much harder than he'd expected. 

He soon wished he'd just took the race off as everything that could have gone, had gone wrong and he'd ended up retiring the car after 29 laps. 

He'd had to stay there the Sunday night for a sponsors' dinner but had flown home immediately on the Monday morning, before leaving again on the Wednesday afternoon.  

Normally he'd have just gone straight to Monte Carlo from Barcelona but he'd not wanted to stay away from home for that long.  Not with Sofia so young.  He was already missing so much of her early life.

Monte Carlo had been a lot better.  He'd finished in second place behind George Russell, who'd got his very first Formula 1 win. 

He'd left as soon as the media interviews had concluded and headed straight home.  He couldn't wait to see everyone.  Freddie would be in bed by now but he knew he'd get to see Lucie and Sofia.  Even if they were asleep W hen he got in he knew it wouldn't be long until he saw them as Sofia was still waking in the night for feeding. 

As he drove through the security gates he noticed  the house was in darkness from the front.  That meant nothing though as their bedroom faced the back.  He parked up and headed straight to the house, leaving his case in the car.  That could wait until morning.  He unlocked the front door and headed inside. 

Creeping quietly up the stairs he heard the sound of crying.  But it wasn't Sofia he could hear.  It was Lucie.  He quickened his steps up and opened the bedroom door. 

Lucie was sat cross legged in the middle of their bed and she was sobbing her heart out. 

"Lucie darling what is it?"

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