46: A Family Christmas (1)

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Lucie popped her head around Freddie's bedroom door.  She saw her son was fast asleep, a tiger cuddled up in his arms. She smiled as she noticed his sleeping position.  He was just like her.  On his right side with one leg left hanging out of the covers. 

She turned and tiptoed down the stairs.  Seb was sat on the sofa, he looked up as she approached. 

"Quick," she said.  "He's asleep."

Seb jumped up and they quietly went up the stairs to Joel's room. 

Joel had gone to spend Christmas with his family near Oxford.  He'd let them hide all of Freddie's presents in his room. 

They pulled the sacks of presents from under the bed and carried them down the stairs. 

A cd of Christmas songs played quietly in the background as they sat on the carpet, positioning presents underneath the tree.  After the sacks were empty Lucie scrunched them up and hid them in the cupboard underneath the kitchen sink. 

Heading back into the lounge she picked up the mince pie that Freddie had left out for Santa and took a bite out of it. 

"I don't know how you can eat those vile things," Seb said, a grin on his face. 

"Delicious!" she said.  She picked up the carrot that had been left for the reindeer and replaced it with the other vegetables. 

"You get the glass of milk," she told Seb.  He drank it down in one, returning the glass to the tray.

"Come here," he said. He pulled Lucie into his arms and pressed a kiss to her lips.  She put her arms around his neck and pulled his head down again, deepening the kiss. 

"Mmmm," she moaned as Seb's tongue entwined with hers. 

Finally they broke apart, full of desire for each other. 

"I want you," Seb gasped. 

Lucie's hands went to Seb's waistband. She eased his trackless down and took his manhood in her hand. 

"Fuck," he cursed. 

"Sit on the sofa," she told him.  As he did so she quickly removed her leggings and panties. 

Then she straddled his lap and sunk down onto his hard cock.  He slid his hands up inside her jumper, caressing the soft skin on her back as she began riding him. 

"Yes baby, oh God yes," he moaned.  He buried his face in her neck, nipping at the skin.   She increased the tempo and he raised his hips so he penetrated her even deeper. 

"Oh Sebastian, oh yes," she gasped.  

It didn't take long for them both to climax, such was their desire for each other. 

After they'd recovered Lucie eased herself off of him and pulled her clothes back on.  Seb  pulled his trackies up. 

He pulled her down onto his lap again, kissing her lovingly. 

"Baby as you know, in Germany we do presents on Christmas Eve.  I know we aren't in Germany but I have a little gift I'd like to give you tonight."

Lucie beamed at him. "You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to. Let me up.  I'll only be a minute."  She shuffled to the other end of the sofa.  Seb disappeared upstairs, returning with a small present in his hand.  He handed it to Lucie.

"Merry Christmas my love."  She opened it carefully, pulling a long rectangular box out of the paper. 

"Seb?" she asked, questioningly.

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