24: Switzerland

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Seb tapped in the code and disabled the alarm. He opened the door and held it whilst Lucie dragged her case inside. Then he shut it behind them and locked up.

"Welcome to my home. This way, leave your case there. I'll show you around." Lucie was stunned by the size of the place. It made her little semi look like a dolls' house.

She followed him around as he pointed out the lounge, his office, a dining room, downstairs toilet and gym.

"And this is the most important room. The kitchen. Speaking of which, are you hungry?"

"Not really. Wouldn't turn down a cup of tea though,if you have tea that is."

"Yeah I have some. Have to have some for when my press officer Britta's here. She's trying to cut down on coffee. The milk should be in date. I only bought it on Tuesday."

He filled the kettle up and switched it on.  They stood looking at each other in an awkward silence.  The flight over had been the same.  Neither of them knew what to say to each other and the sexual tension between them was palpable.

"So I though tomorrow I could take you for a drive and show you some of my countryside.  Though instead of beaches we have mountains."

"Sounds good."

"How do you take  your tea?"

"Milk, one sugar please."

Seb spooned the sugar into the mug with a tea bag.

"You not having one?"

"No, I'm not a big tea drinker."

"And I kept giving you cups of it last year."

"It felt rude to refuse," he said with a big grin on his face. "Lucie, I'm really pleased you came."

She smiled at him. "This doesn't mean you're forgiven."

"No, but it means there's a chance.  Even if the chance is minuscule, it still exists." 

He poured in the hot water and the milk. 

"Lucie, I've been open with you.  Can you be open with me? I know you said you still love me but I need to hear you say it Lucie. I know it's early but it would mean so much.  I'm sorry. I know I'm asking too much."

"Seb. I do love you.  I've never stopped.  I just don't know if I trust you.  We're from different worlds and I can't see how we can make it work.  You've got to admit it would be next to impossible."

" I'm not giving up Lucie.  Well, not until the end of your stay here. If you turn me down, then I will respect your decision.  But I won't stop loving you.  Nothing could make me do that."

Lucie felt a tear roll down her cheek.  She wanted nothing more than to be with this man, but she knew it was hopeless.  How could a relationship survive being apart for so often for so long?

"Hey baby, please don't cry.  I hate to see you upset."  He smudged her tear with his thumb.  Then he held her face in his hands. He leant forward and gently brushed his lips over hers. He felt hers part, inviting him to deepen the kiss. He gently slid his tongue inside her mouth, seeking hers. Then all of a sudden what started as a tender kiss became something else completely different. His hands dropped from her face to her hips, pulling her closer to him. Then he kissed her how he'd been wanting to kiss her since the day he had left her.

The chemistry hadn't faded at all. It was still as strong as it had ever been. Seb felt himself getting hard. His hands moved to her butt, pulling her even closer against his body.

Lucie moaned as she felt Seb's erection digging into her. He wanted her. She wanted him so much but she didn't want him to think all was forgiven, because it wasn't.

"This doesn't mean anything," she gasped. "Just because you know how to turn me on doesn't mean all is forgiven."

"I wouldn't presume to think such a thing Lucie." He lowered his mouth to her neck, his teeth nipping at the skin and leaving a small purple bruise.

Lucie's hands crept under his T-shirt and she ran them up his abs and onto his chest. He had definitely toned up since last summer. Then he pulled away. He walked across the kitchen, running his hands through his hair, obviously agitated.

"What's wrong?" Lucie asked.

"I had to stop before I couldn't. I'm supposed to be proving to you that I want you in every way a man can want a woman. To prove that it's not just about sex. Now here I am, acting like a horny teenager at the first opportunity."

"It's ok Seb. I feel the same way. I want you too. I won't deny that. Sex is not the problem. It's what happens after. What will happen when you have to go back racing and I'm left on the island? But I'm not thinking about that right now."

"Tell me what you are thinking Lucie?" She looked at him. Her eyes glanced down and she could see he was still extremely aroused. She crossed the room until she was right in front of him. Then she brushed her hand across the front of his jeans.

He gasped and grabbed her by the wrist.

"Don't mess with me Lucie. I'm so close to my limit."

"Who's messing?" She took his hand and placed it on her breast.

"Tell me what you want Lucy!"

"I want you. I'm not saying that we're going to work things out but right this moment, I want you. Take me to bed Sebastian."

She just about managed to finish her sentence when Seb's lips crashed down on hers once again. She kissed him back with everything she had.

He pulled back again and suddenly he swung her over his shoulder and headed towards the hallway, leaving her cup of tea untouched on the counter. She half shrieked and half laughed as he headed up the stairs.

He kicked a door open and the next thing she knew he had deposited her on a massive bed.  He looked at her, undressing her with his eyes.

"Are you sure about this Lucie?"

Lucie looked at him. 

"Yes.  Make love to me Sebastian."

He didn't need asking twice.

Perfect Strangers (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now