21: Man to Man

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"Hello young man," said Elsie to Joel as he entered the B&B. "What can I do for you?"

"Hi Elsie. I trust you and your sister are well?"

"Very well, thank you. Now, how can I help?"

"I need a word with one of your guests, if you could see if he's in or not?"

"Who would that be?"


"Oh yes, Sebastian. Such a nice boy. I'm pretty sure he's in. I'll give him a call."

She flicked through the guest book and dialled Sebastian's number. He obviously answered as she started talking.

"Sebastian, there's someone here to see you. Are you in? Yes, ok. I'll pass it on."

She hung up the phone. "He's in, he said he'll meet you by the pier in ten minutes."

Joel nodded and thanked her. Then he made his way down to the pier. He had to laugh. He'd been a Formula 1 fan for so long and had never thought he'd  ever meet a driver, let alone Sebastian Vettel. Now here he was about to confront him for breaking Lucie's heart.

He had no idea what he was going to say but he knew he had to say something. He hated seeing Lucie like this. Anything he could do, he would do. Including sorting out a Formula 1 driver if he had to.


Seb smiled as he put the phone down. She'd come. She'd changed her mind. He quickly had a wash and a spray of deodorant. Then he put his sunglasses and cap back on.

He took a few deep breaths. He wasn't going to mess it up again. He jogged down the stairs, calling out goodbye to Elsie as he went out of the door.

He felt nervous as he headed down towards the pier. Hopefully now she'd had time to think things through she'd give him another chance.

When he got there he couldn't  see her anywhere. He looked around.

"Lucie's not here if you're expecting her Sebastian." He turned around and came face to face with the tall,  blonde man he'd first seen on the beach with her back in March. "I think it's time you and I had a talk, don't you?"


Seb felt like the stuffing had been knocked out of him. She hadn't come.  She hadn't changed her mind.

"Where's Lucie?"

"Probably still moping about on the sofa, where I left her.   I guess you know who I am."


"That's right. Lucie's best friend.  And I don't like seeing her upset. She's been through enough heartache."

"I didn't mean to upset her.  I love her."

"So you thought to prove your love you'd ditch her without even a goodbye. Funny idea of love.  But that's the past.  She dealt with that.  She'd come to terms with it.  I suppose I get why you didn't tell her who you were.  What I don't get is why you are back. What's changed?"

Seb sighed.  "Look I can explain.  Do you fancy grabbing a drink while we talk?"

"If you're buying."

"Of course, you pick the place."

Seb followed Joel through a couple of streets until they reached a shady looking pub.

"It doesn't get too busy in here,  you're less likely to get recognised."

"What are you drinking?"

"Just a pint of Fosters please."

Joel sat down at a table and Seb soon arrived back with a pint in each hand.

He put them on the table and sat down.

"Ok, you wanted to talk?"

"Ok. I won't beat around the bush. What are your intentions towards Lucie? And why the fuck did you leave her in the first place if you love her like you say you do?"

"I wasn't expecting to fall in the love with her. We both agreed it was just a summer fling. I quickly realised that I was falling and before I knew it, I'd fallen hard. It terrified me. I had literally just finished with my long term girlfriend days before. My professional life was in turmoil. I just didn't know how we could make it work. She's got responsibilities. Freddie, the hotel. I just couldn't see a way we could make it work. And I didn't want to expose her to the life of a F1 driver's partner. The media, the toxic fans, online trolls. I didn't even know that she loved me back. Not until today. I just thought it would be for the best to make a clean break. I couldn't face saying goodbye. I messed up. I was wrong. I wish I'd told her then that I loved her. We could have found a way. I've tried and tried to forget her,  but I can't Joel. I love her. Seeing her in the crowd at Silverstone made me realise how much I do actually still love her.

I had to come. I had to try. And it hurts that she rejected me. Even more so because she admits that she still loves me. She just doesn't trust me not to break her heart again. I can't blame her for that."

Joel sat listening as Seb spoke. He didn't interrupt. He waited until Seb had finished.

"She was broken Seb. She'd fallen for you so damn hard.  She'd had to fight to get back to where she is.  She never stopped loving you though.  I believe you so love her but you fucked up big time.  I don't know if she can come back from that.  She didn't even look at another man for over six years.  Callum was her everything and when he died something in her died.  I don't know what.  She lost that sparkle in her eye. 

I'd do anything for that girl.  She's like the sister I never had.  And it killed me seeing her broken.  I want her to be happy. Can you swear you're going to do that? That you're not going to let her down again?"

"If she will give me another chance I will never hurt her again. I promise."

"Good because if you did I'd have to kill you," Joel said, trying his best to look serious. 

"Do you think I can change her mind?"

"I really don't know. Maybe when she's calmed down a bit.  It was a bit of a shock to see you again."

"I guess.  So, Lucie told me you're a big F1 fan."

"Yeah, have been since I was a kid ."

"Who do you support?"

"Big McLaren fan so Lando and Daniel."

"Great guys.  Lando's having a fantastic season.  I feel for Daniel, he's struggling to adapt to the new car, like I did in the beginning."

"Yeah. He'll come good."

"I'm sure he will.  Look Joel, do you think there's a chance for me and Lucie?"

"I was all prepared to punch your lights out today," Joel said. "But I believe you. Don't give me a reason to change my mind. As for a chance? I don't know. I honestly don't."

"Thank you Joel. I promise you I just want that chance to prove myself to her. Can you talk to her?"

"Oh no sunshine. I like my head where it is. You want to win her round, you have to do it yourself."

"But how if she won't talk to me?"

"Well, I never said I wouldn't help you, did I?"

"Tell me more."

"Tomorrow. Her mum's taking Freddie on holiday tomorrow. I'll get her to you. Then the rest is up to you."

"Where? How?"

"Get me another beer and I'll tell you."

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